Closed IjazAhmed closed 3 years ago
Why did you parse and modify class with "org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.AST". It's not a JP API. Also it seems that in your example the Java Modeling Language syntax is not correct.
Comments and JML are preserved in the example below :
public void test1() {
String code =
"public class ClassB {\n" +
" int b;\n" +
" /*@ public normal_behavior\n" +
" @ requires a > 5;\n" +
" @ ensures b == 16;\n" +
" @*/\n" +
" public void test1 (int a) {\n" +
" b=16; // This is my comment.\n" +
" }\n" +
CompilationUnit cu = StaticJavaParser.parse(code);
MethodDeclaration md = cu.findFirst(MethodDeclaration.class).get();
Expression assertExpr = new BinaryExpr(new NameExpr("a"), new IntegerLiteralExpr(), Operator.GREATER);
md.getBody().get().getStatements().addFirst(new AssertStmt(new EnclosedExpr(assertExpr)));
md.getBody().get().getStatements().addLast(new AssertStmt(new EnclosedExpr(assertExpr)));
the result is
public class ClassB {
int b;
/*@ public normal_behavior
@ requires a > 5;
@ ensures b == 16;
public void test1(int a) {
assert (a > 0);
// This is my comment.
b = 16;
assert (a > 0);
Thank you for your consistent support. I am also very close to achieve my goal, albeit with the aid of orthodox ""...core.dom.AST" :). I googled the jar file for "StaticJavaParser", but I could not find a one. Can you please direct me to the link of the jar file?
StaticJavaParser is a JP class mainly uses in tests. You cannot use StaticJavaParser with another parser . What is this project org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.AST ? Why did you use org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.AST and Javaparser at the same time? I don't really understand what you are doing? Can you explain to us what you want to do from JP?
In my post, "org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.AST" means JDT APIs. I am not using JDT APIs and JP API at the same time. Currently, I programmed the application by using JDT APIs. But I too want to explore JP APIs, so that in future I may port my application to JP, if required. Anyhow, thank you for your guidance regarding StaticJavaParser and JP.
Interesting. What is the pros and cons of JDT APIs (versus JP or another solution)?
sure. I will write once my study complete.
Regards Ijaz
Lets assume, the original code of ClassB is given below.
public class ClassB { int b; /@ public normal_behavior @ requires a > 5; @ ensures b == 16; @/ public void test1 (int a) { b=16; // This is my comment.
} I am using "org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.AST" to parse and modify classB. After modifying the original code (indeed AST), I saved the modified AST with the aid of "ICompilationUnit. save()" method. The modified code of ClassB is given below.
public class ClassB { int b; public void test1 (int a) { assert (a >5); b=16; assert(b==16); } Basically, I added the assertion statements in at the start and end of a method.
Now the problem that I am facing is that as AST does not contain comments, so when I rewrite the AST, I loose all code comments, including my JML contract (/@ public normal_behavior @ requires a > 5; @ ensures b == 16; @/) and comment (// This is my comment.)
I understand that there is a method "CompilationUnit.getCommentList()" that may give me the list of comments, but then I loose track that which comment (contract) belong to which line. So any advise, what is a most straight way to deal it?