javapathfinder / jpf-core

JPF is an extensible software analysis framework for Java bytecode. jpf-core is the basis for all JPF projects; you always need to install it. It contains the basic VM and model checking infrastructure, and can be used to check for concurrency defects like deadlocks, and unhandled exceptions like NullPointerExceptions and AssertionErrors.
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`BufferTest.testCharBufferConstructor` uses random bytes #459

Open cyrille-artho opened 1 month ago

cyrille-artho commented 1 month ago

The String constructor with an array of bytes as an argument requires a correctly encoded string. Quoting from the API docs: "Constructs a new String by decoding the specified array of bytes using the platform's default charset. [...] The behavior of this constructor when the given bytes are not valid in the default charset is unspecified."

We want to replace the random bytes with two examples, one using UTF-8 and the other one Latin-1. We want to be sure that (a) non-ASCII characters are covered in each test, (b) the complete test string is fully encoded with only valid bytes within the given test array. How to get example strings: Write a small Java program with two example strings, print them as hexadecimal, run that in the regular JVM. (a) at least one multi-byte character in UTF-8; (b) at least one two-byte non-ASCII character from the Latin-1 set.

eklaDFF commented 4 days ago

isReadOnly() returns :

  1. true
  2. false
  3. false
  4. false

cyrille-artho commented 4 days ago

Thanks, case 3 was unexpected for me! I even added additional checks before and after the read operation, and it seems the buffer is read-write throughout its lifetime. Perhaps this is because the buffer has to be written by the I/O library, even if it's not meant to be written to by the recipient (prior to the call to flip)? In any case, it's good that we now know what the return value of isReadOnly should be. Having the right "ground truth" avoids surprises later.

eklaDFF commented 4 days ago

How should I implement this behaviour ?

If we return true in is throwing error in arrayOffset() section .

cyrille-artho commented 3 days ago

I think the return values above are correct; the problem with the indices is separate from that. For that, we need a solution that uses the correct values, depending on the string encoding.

eklaDFF commented 3 days ago

It's a bit confusing to me now, what next should I do ?

Is it worth it to share the current status using my forked repo ?

cyrille-artho commented 3 days ago

You can create a branch on your forked repo to share your work in progress.

eklaDFF commented 2 days ago

cyrille-artho commented 2 days ago

Please update your own master branch so it is in sync with This way, we can compare your recent changes more easily.

eklaDFF commented 2 days ago


cyrille-artho commented 1 day ago

I still see all the previous changes when trying git diff. However, I can reproduce the three failures in BufferTest. As a first step towards finding the root cause, add more assertions to the code. Right now, we have a failure in at the call to obj.getChars. If you add assertions that print more details (e.g., the value of coder and the byte array in addition to begin, end, length), we can see better what goes wrong. It can also help to add logging, so we see what the data looks like in the successful test.

eklaDFF commented 1 day ago

"I still see all the previous changes when trying git diff." -----> Should I commit all the changes on master* ?

"As a first step towards finding the root cause, add more assertions to the code." -----> adding assertions in like assertTrue(...) etc in all three test methods ?

"If you add assertions that print more details (e.g., the value of coder and the byte array in addition to begin, end, length), we can see better what goes wrong. It can also help to add logging, so we see what the data looks like in the successful test." -----> Where to write these ?

cyrille-artho commented 1 day ago
  1. What I meant was that you bring your master branch up to date w.r.t. the main repo: git checkout master; git pull master
  2. Yes, add such assertions, and make use of the optional "error message" argument; that message shows what went wrong if an assertion failed.
  3. You can trace the values of key variables in the String methods and related code. This way (when using JPF), you see what these values are. It is possible that they diverge from the "ground truth" even before an assertion fails, as assertions usually don't capture 100 % of the details.
eklaDFF commented 7 hours ago

I tried below code to print the values for parameters like srcPos, dstBegin as you asked above in model class

public void getBytes(byte[] dst, int srcPos, int dstBegin, byte coder, int length){
//      getBytes(srcPos,(srcPos+length),dst,dstBegin);
        System.out.println("Message from[605] getBytes(...)[ coder = " + coder + ", srcPos = " + srcPos + ", dstBegin = " + dstBegin + ", dst[].length = " + dst.length + ", length = " + length);
        if (isLatin1()) {
        } else {

But when we run the test case, then it gets hanged on. Do not know why .

"Right now, we have a failure in at the call to obj.getChars" -----> do we need to modify for getChars like getBytes() ? Like Below, checking isLatin()

public void getBytes(byte[] dst, int srcPos, int dstBegin, byte coder, int length){
  //    getBytes(srcPos,(srcPos+length),dst,dstBegin);
    if (isLatin1()) {
    } else {


Should we start fixing compiler warning because both issues (#459, #470) might take longer time than we assumed.