javascript-obfuscator / grunt-contrib-obfuscator

Grunt plugin for the javascript-obfuscator package.
MIT License
29 stars 20 forks source link

Error: The number of constructor arguments in the derived class t must be >= than the number of constructor arguments of its base class #9

Closed 30dnh01 closed 4 years ago

30dnh01 commented 4 years ago

with latest version of node js (13.5) grunt-contrib-obfuscator raises the following error :

Error: The number of constructor arguments in the derived class t must be >= than the number of constructor arguments of its base class

the same settings with node v12.4.0 works perfectly well...


sanex3339 commented 4 years ago

Hi. Already fixed in

Expect the release this weekend

stijnherreman commented 4 years ago

I've tried updating javascript-obfuscator to 0.24.6 but grunt-contrib-obfuscator insists on using 0.10.2 Is there anything else I should to in order to get this error resolved?

sanex3339 commented 4 years ago

@slig can you publish a new version?

slig commented 4 years ago

Should I move the javascript-obfuscator to a peerDependency or keep it as it is? currently it's "javascript-obfuscator": "^0.23.2".

sanex3339 commented 4 years ago

Hmm. You can set it as peerDependency and describe it in the README

slig commented 4 years ago


stijnherreman commented 4 years ago

Thank you! Can confirm the new 5.0.0 version works fine.