I have a js-react project with a lot of files, folders and subfolders.
I have installed javascript-obfuscator and webpack-obfuscator, but I have no idea how to implement it into my code.
I have an index.js which renders the main components into the html-file.
Your readme.md has two examples : the rules-Array and the objects entry, output and plugins.
What is to do with this. Shall I import them into the index.js? And then? How shall I use it.
My react-code is still shown in the browser. I want to hide it.
I have a js-react project with a lot of files, folders and subfolders. I have installed javascript-obfuscator and webpack-obfuscator, but I have no idea how to implement it into my code.
I have an index.js which renders the main components into the html-file.
Your readme.md has two examples : the rules-Array and the objects entry, output and plugins.
What is to do with this. Shall I import them into the index.js? And then? How shall I use it.
My react-code is still shown in the browser. I want to hide it.