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Modern JavaScript Tutorial in German
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German Translation Progress #1

Open iliakan opened 4 years ago

iliakan commented 4 years ago

Maintainer List

@NamikoYa, @christianhegedues, @CourageSean, @J-Cake

For New Translators

Please read this first (click to open)

To translate an article: 1. Check that no one else has claimed your article in the checklist below. 2. Comment below with the title of the article that you would like to translate, exactly as listed, e.g. `An Introduction to JavaScript`. - Please take only one article at a time. 3. Fork this repo, translate the article in your fork and submit a pull request! - The pull request title should be same as the article, e.g. `An Introduction to JavaScript` (just like comment) Please be prompt with your translations! If you find that you can't commit any more, let maintainers know so they can assign the page to someone else.

For Maintainers

Click to open

We recommend that a translation has 2 reviews to be merged. Please let others know what you do, on community boards and chats, invite them to join. Translations become better if more people see them. Translations are tracked below, like this: * [ ] [Home Page](url) (@iliakan) #1 Our helpful bot watches comments and adds the translator nick and PR id, marks completed, when PR is merged. You can read the details at . If something doesn't work right, please contact @iliakan.

Team translation

More details about team translation:

Only maintainers can check/uncheck items below. If you're not, please write in a comment what you take to translate, the title, exactly as in the list.

The JavaScript language

An introduction

JavaScript Fundamentals

Code quality

Objects: the basics

Data types

Advanced working with functions

Object properties configuration

Prototypes, inheritance


Error handling

Promises, async/await

Generators, advanced iteration



Browser: Document, Events, Interfaces


Introduction to Events

UI Events

Forms, controls

Document and resource loading


Frames and windows

Binary data, files

Network requests

Storing data in the browser


Web components

Regular expressions

1H0 commented 4 years ago

An Introduction to JavaScript

1H0 commented 4 years ago

Manuals and specifications

NamikoYa commented 4 years ago


christianhegedues commented 4 years ago

Hello, world!

1H0 commented 4 years ago

Introduction: callbacks

christianhegedues commented 4 years ago

Code structure

MichFrie commented 4 years ago

Code editors

christianhegedues commented 4 years ago

The modern mode, "use strict"

JoeGab commented 4 years ago


JoeGab commented 4 years ago

Type Conversions

JoeGab commented 4 years ago

Interaction: alert, prompt, confirm

christianhegedues commented 4 years ago

Data types

javascript-translate-bot commented 4 years ago

Error: the article already has meta information in the Progress Issue "(@christianhegedues)" :interrobang:

NamikoYa commented 4 years ago


christianhegedues commented 4 years ago


AlexanderK22 commented 4 years ago

Developer console

JoeGab commented 4 years ago


Skoyo commented 4 years ago

Conditional operators: if, '?'

u-n-known commented 4 years ago


SirCodewright commented 4 years ago

Logical Operators

desirekool commented 4 years ago

Loops: while and for

BitcoinElf commented 4 years ago

Function expressions

me1104 commented 4 years ago

Arrow functions, the basics

u-n-known commented 4 years ago


u-n-known commented 4 years ago

Garbage collection

u-n-known commented 4 years ago

Symbol type

u-n-known commented 4 years ago

Object methods, "this"

u-n-known commented 4 years ago

Object to primitive conversion

AlexanderK22 commented 4 years ago

JavaScript specials

matztom commented 4 years ago

The "switch" statement

flopanzer commented 4 years ago

Debugging in Chrome

MichaelEder1 commented 3 years ago


laurentiu798 commented 3 years ago

Coding Style

ShulluTech commented 3 years ago

Patterns and flags

ShulluTech commented 3 years ago

Browser environment, specs

elseifdilara commented 3 years ago

Basic operators, maths

mhstrkmp commented 3 years ago

DOM tree

Hey @1H0, @NamikoYa, @christianhegedues

I'm sorry but i can't work on the translation right now because i have problems with my wrist 🙄 Feel free to assign somone else to the translation of DOM tree.

I'll check in again as soon as it's getting better. Sorry for any inconviniences ...

skamp91 commented 3 years ago

Ninja code

MysterieDev commented 3 years ago

Array methods

dnnsjrng commented 3 years ago

Constructor, operator "new"

hack03er commented 3 years ago

Mouse events

cgomm commented 3 years ago


ytausch commented 3 years ago

Conditional branching: if, '?'

harrydehix commented 3 years ago


jonasrdl commented 3 years ago

Polyfills and transpilers

jonasrdl commented 3 years ago

Global object

harrydehix commented 3 years ago

I'm sorry but i can't work on my translations anymore because i have not enough time.

iliakan commented 3 years ago

Thanks @harrydehix. Let me know if someone wants to keep up as a maintainer.

kevinlinse commented 2 years ago

Basic operators, maths

CourageSean commented 2 years ago

Methods of primitives