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Spanish translation of site.
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Spanish Translation Progress #17

Open iliakan opened 5 years ago

iliakan commented 5 years ago

Maintainer List

@lizzie136, @vplentinax, @EzequielCaste, @joaquinelio, @maksumi

For New Translators

Please read this first (click to open)

To translate an article: 1. Check that no one else has claimed your article in the checklist below. 2. Comment below with the title of the article that you would like to translate, exactly as listed, e.g. `An Introduction to JavaScript`. - Please take only one article at a time. 3. Fork this repo, translate the article in your fork and submit a pull request! - The pull request title should be same as the article, e.g. `An Introduction to JavaScript` (just like comment) Please be prompt with your translations! If you find that you can't commit any more, let maintainers know so they can assign the page to someone else.

For Maintainers

Click to open

We recommend that a translation has 2 reviews to be merged. Please let others know what you do, on community boards and chats, invite them to join. Translations become better if more people see them. Translations are tracked below, like this: * [ ] [Home Page](url) (@iliakan) #1 Our helpful bot watches comments and adds the translator nick and PR id, marks completed, when PR is merged. You can read the details at . If something doesn't work right, please contact @iliakan.

Team translation

More details about team translation:

Only maintainers can check/uncheck items below. If you're not, please write in a comment what you take to translate, the title, exactly as in the list.

The JavaScript language

An introduction

JavaScript Fundamentals

Code quality

Objects: the basics

Data types

Advanced working with functions

Object properties configuration

Prototypes, inheritance


Error handling

Promises, async/await

Generators, advanced iteration



Browser: Document, Events, Interfaces


Introduction to Events

UI Events

Forms, controls

Document and resource loading


Frames and windows

Binary data, files

Network requests

Storing data in the browser


Web components

Regular expressions

Niroa95 commented 4 years ago

Can I take over Operators @cris2123 ? Or are you still working on it?

cris2123 commented 4 years ago

@lizzie136 No he podido terminar la traducción y @Arnau-Ninerola quiere tomarla. No tengo ningún problema en cederla

Niroa95 commented 4 years ago


cris2123 commented 4 years ago

@Arnau-Ninerola Yes you can take it. No problem

Niroa95 commented 4 years ago

@cris2123 Perfecto, gracias! :)

Niroa95 commented 4 years ago


joaquinelio commented 4 years ago

juira bot, not for you

Old programmer, old technologies, new in js... in GIT.

se ve algo lento esto, ¿algo que deba saber? Se supone que uno elige un tema sin check, pero veo cosas no reclamadas y ya traducidas y demasiadas con check y no actualizadas (¿sin merge?) no es importante, solo las quería ver como referencia. ¡Salud!


joaquinelio commented 4 years ago

Methods of primitives

joaquinelio commented 4 years ago


joaquinelio commented 4 years ago

@lizzie136 @victorze I feel a little discouraged I saw the notice in , came here and followed the instructions, read "to the new translators", fork, installed the server, chose unclaimed, The bot said ok so I put my frst PR trusting the review system I dont know anything about, then started a second translation

But the translated source page is wrong (not just a rephrase), so my PR. It's from 3 years old source. Should I check EN version every time? Or maybe you can sync only non translated pages? (Im too new to git but surely it's possible)

Then I saw an issue refering to TRELLO collaborative platform, It shows as finished things not even claimed here.
Is it a graph rival from git? Is it the way to do things here? It should be clearer, I totally missed it. Too tired to check it know, maybe tomorrow.

Mmm... ¿todos sabemos castellano/español aca? Claramente el mejor lenguaje. Uh qué largo es esto, creo que me estoy poniendo viejo. Sorry.

lizzie136 commented 4 years ago

Hi @joaquinelio, Trello and discourse were our first try to organize this repository before the organization was created and this issue was open. So at the moment, it is obsolete. About the PR you refer to, I would encourage you to send it with the latest info available and comment that on your PR description. I know it sounds silly on my part, but I could not get a time specifically to update the sources since it will conflict with the current translations. I still do it at some point. Thanks for bringing up those topics 👍 .

joaquinelio commented 4 years ago

Thank you @lizzie136 !!! It's clear now.

Is not hard for me to check the age of the file I'm translating. I am embarrased, I cried too much. I see now the only very old part is the solution rd, an easy fix.

I just realized the hard work you have and have been doing. 👍 👍

joaquinelio commented 4 years ago

Mockingbird is not a ruiseñor question:

Aprendí que fracciones eran expresiones con enteros 1/4 y que 0,25 eran decimales, pero usar "decimal" en este artículo confundiría entre los números y el sistema justo donde más se necesita la distinción.
so, Do you translate "fraction" as "fracción"? o aclarar específicamente "sistema decimal" y "dígitos decimales" cada ocurrencia. image

tiomno commented 4 years ago

@joaquinelio, estoy de acuerdo. Para resolver el problema yo usaría el contexto de la idea que se quiere transmitir en lugar de traducir siempre una ocurrencia por otra de forma fija.

Por ejemplo, el párrafo:

A number is stored in memory in its binary form, a sequence of bits – ones and zeroes. But fractions like 0.1, 0.2 that look simple in the decimal numeric system are actually unending fractions in their binary form.

Para mi tendría sentido así:

Un número es almacenado en memoria en su forma binaria, una secuencia de bits - unos y ceros. Pero números decimales como 0.1, 0.2, que parecen simples en el sistema decimal, son realmente fracciones sin fin en su forma binaria.

Sjesc commented 4 years ago

Ninja code

tambaqui commented 4 years ago

JavaScript animations

fcabanilla commented 4 years ago


javascript-translate-bot commented 4 years ago

Error: the article already has meta information in the Progress Issue "(@lucasrdz994) #92" :interrobang:

fcabanilla commented 4 years ago


mariabp commented 4 years ago

Symbol type

gndelia commented 4 years ago

Rest parameters and spread operator

joaquinelio commented 4 years ago

It's lonely here...

luisandia commented 4 years ago

Coding Style

lolabarri commented 4 years ago

Dynamic imports

11joselu commented 4 years ago

The "new Function" syntax

joaquinelio commented 4 years ago

@lizzie136 Need the review and... Can I have some GIT support? Im learning node now and I'm still HAVE to learn GIT, maybe my PR is wrong. (It is wrong. I thought I could do 2 different PR but mixed the two commits, Can I turn it back?) I decided to trnaslate an entire section, (I already translate the first two, yes, my bad, I forgot the "please only one each time") but if my pitfalls with GIT are more troublesome (we all are doing this for free) than my hours translating please erase my assigments.

dactionx commented 4 years ago

¡Hola! ¿Puedo ayudar? I could translate Garbage Collection in "Objects: The Basics".

ferueda commented 4 years ago


algoritmau commented 4 years ago

Introduction to browser events

spideep commented 4 years ago

Hola @lizzie136 Puedo ayudar con Mouse events basics

aarrieth commented 4 years ago

Hola... ¡Buenas tardes! Quiero formar parte de la comunidad y ayudar a traducir a nuestro lenguaje este manual. Escribiré las indicaciones si son correctas, de no ser así, ¡por favor! alguien que lo haya hecho antes que me sugiera como hacerlo.

  1. He seleccionado el artículo a traducir.
  2. Agrego el comentario (issues) con el título del artículo.
  3. Al finalizar la traducción, hago el Pull Request con al artículo traducido.

¿es así? ¡agradezco colaboración!

iLTW1n commented 4 years ago

Hola 👋 @alfonsoarrieta

  1. Seleccionas el artículo a traducir
  2. Crear el PR y esperar que lo revisen
jatempa commented 4 years ago

Me gustaría traducir el artículo Function expressions

ricardov03 commented 4 years ago

Arrow functions, the basics

ghost commented 4 years ago

Class basic syntax

martinivanalfonso commented 4 years ago

Object methods, "this"

joaquinelio commented 4 years ago

I would like to commit the project but "last commit oct 2" is not very encouraging. TLDR I've been reading for fun some PR. 1) Translators look like JS programmers, they expect someone else find the bugs. Read again! (not too soon, cool the brain then read again, maybe next day) 2) Reviewers too strict. I would love to be perfect, but we need this bad:
The BEST tutorial for the WORST language ever done.
Please dont reject based on how it sounds or "tildes", just commit and sugest a new PR.
And some ignorance too: "Espacios EXTRAS" is correct. Plural is better, dont fix this.

Anyway. I suggest new programmers to learn English. You cannot master any language if you dont speak English. Forums, youtube, blogs, English is the new Latin for "state of the art" science. Spanish community is BIG but English get things first.

gndelia commented 4 years ago

yeah, I think this project is kind of abandoned or similar. Too bad

cirmar commented 4 years ago

Date and time

tscandalitta commented 4 years ago

I would like to commit the project but "last commit oct 2" is not very encouraging. TLDR I've been reading for fun some PR.

  1. Translators look like JS programmers, they expect someone else find the bugs. Read again! (not too soon, cool the brain then read again, maybe next day)
  2. Reviewers too strict. I would love to be perfect, but we need this bad: The BEST tutorial for the WORST language ever done. Please dont reject based on how it sounds or "tildes", just commit and sugest a new PR. And some ignorance too: "Espacios EXTRAS" is correct. Plural is better, dont fix this.

Anyway. I suggest new programmers to learn English. You cannot master any language if you dont speak English. Forums, youtube, blogs, English is the new Latin for "state of the art" science. Spanish community is BIG but English get things first.

@joaquinelio Coincido con vos menos en el caso de la ortografía, esta es (o era) la traducción del tutorial oficial de JavaScript y bajo ninguna circunstancia puede estar escrito con faltas, por favor. De todos modos parece abandonado así que no sé dónde va a terminar esto.

gndelia commented 4 years ago

oficial en que sentido ?

es una pagina mas que ofrece tutoriales de js me parece, no es oficial

tscandalitta commented 4 years ago

Jajaja tenes razón, en algún lugar leí oficial y pensé que era el tutorial oficial. Igualmente, no se puede escribir con faltas de ortografía un tutorial que ven miles de personas.

joaquinelio commented 4 years ago

@tscandalitta Mmm...
Odio las faltas de ortografía (aunque humano soy y... ) y si fuera así de estricto en inglés no podría escribir nada... ¿hay un límite práctico? Tildes por ejemplo, donde el corrector poco ayuda. ¡QuÉ viva la pepa!

Pero quizás tengas razón, no es lo mismo un foro que un manual. Aunque hay más faltas de ortografía en los programas JS que en sus tutorials. "Strict" mode pfffff ¡ja ja!

Herrar es humano y dejarse es equino.

DJBlueSlime commented 4 years ago

Hola, Traduciré la página Mouse events basics

mauforero commented 4 years ago

Object to primitive conversion

PawFV commented 4 years ago

Garbage Collection

alexseik commented 4 years ago

Automated testing with Mocha

EzequielCaste commented 4 years ago

Function expressions

EzequielCaste commented 4 years ago

buenas @lizzie136, @ricardov03 estoy traduciendo Function expressions (@ezzep66) y veo que el archivo contiene una parte que corresponde a la siguiente sección Arrow functions, the basics.

Pude verificar que en tutorial EN (inglés) mi sección de Function expressions no contiene esa parte de Arrow Functions. Qué hago? tengo que respetar el archivo que estoy traduciendo o seguir el original según figura publicado en EN ?

ricardov03 commented 4 years ago

Saludos @ezzep66, Gracias por tomarte el tiempo de validar. Te confirmo, estaré en estos días trabajando en reorganizar el proyecto para actualizar todas las vistas de forma correcta, pero tendré que leer todos los capítulos uno por uno. En lo inmediato, por favor copia todo el texto de la versión en Inglés y tradúcelo. Me encargaré de asegurar que tu traducción se mantenga cuando todo el portal sea actualizado.