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Tutorial JavaScript Modern dalam Bahasa Indonesia
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Indonesian Translation Progress #1

Open iliakan opened 5 years ago

iliakan commented 5 years ago

Maintainer List

@thickkoezz, @purwnt, @yoga1234, @juuni26

For New Translators

Please read this first (click to open)

To translate an article: 1. Check that no one else has claimed your article in the checklist below. 2. Comment below with the title of the article that you would like to translate, exactly as listed, e.g. `An Introduction to JavaScript`. - Please take only one article at a time. 3. Fork this repo, translate the article in your fork and submit a pull request! - The pull request title should be same as the article, e.g. `An Introduction to JavaScript` (just like comment) Please be prompt with your translations! If you find that you can't commit any more, let maintainers know so they can assign the page to someone else.

For Maintainers

Click to open

We recommend that a translation has 2 reviews to be merged. Please let others know what you do, on community boards and chats, invite them to join. Translations become better if more people see them. Translations are tracked below, like this: * [ ] [Home Page](url) (@iliakan) #1 Our helpful bot watches comments and adds the translator nick and PR id, marks completed, when PR is merged. You can read the details at . If something doesn't work right, please contact @iliakan.

Team translation

More details about team translation:

Only maintainers can check/uncheck items below. If you're not, please write in a comment what you take to translate, the title, exactly as in the list.

The JavaScript language

An introduction

JavaScript Fundamentals

Code quality

Objects: the basics

Data types

Advanced working with functions

Object properties configuration

Prototypes, inheritance


Error handling

Promises, async/await

Generators, advanced iteration



Browser: Document, Events, Interfaces


Introduction to Events

UI Events

Forms, controls

Document and resource loading


Frames and windows

Binary data, files

Network requests

Storing data in the browser


Web components

Regular expressions

thickkoezz commented 5 years ago

Keep progressing

dharyadi commented 5 years ago

I think for "importance" translation,it will be better if it's translated as "Nilai penting". What do you think?

thickkoezz commented 5 years ago

I think for "importance" translation,it will be better if it's translated as "Nilai penting". What do you think?

o iya ya... bener juga... ahahaha...

gnsisec commented 5 years ago

Masih berlanjut kah untuk di translate ke Bahasa Indonesia ?

logustra commented 5 years ago

Hi @iliakan @thickkoezz I'll take the Regular expressions I've create an issues for translation that i working on

fcrezza commented 5 years ago

Hi @iliakan @thickkoezz I will translate Loops: while and for section

iliakan commented 5 years ago

Please just write the title here. That's for the bot to handle it automatically ;)

Only the article title.

fcrezza commented 5 years ago

Loops: while and for

logustra commented 5 years ago

Methods of primitives

thickkoezz commented 5 years ago

Sorry baru bales. lagi sibuk yg lain. Silakan kalau mau bantu, bikin pull request aja, nanti saya tarik. terima kasih.

logustra commented 5 years ago

@thickkoezz please check my PR

thickkoezz commented 5 years ago

@thickkoezz please check my PR #26

Sudah ya, terima kasih

thickkoezz commented 5 years ago

Guys, let me tell you. I have my own language standards in translating English into Indonesian because there are so many English words that can't be translated directly into Indonesian. You may help translate and make a PR, and then I will review your translations. Thanks. What I am trying to say is that if there is no single translation in Indonesian words that sounds good to read, don't force it, let it be as is in English.

logustra commented 5 years ago

Additional reminders, make your translation look natural guys

thickkoezz commented 5 years ago

Don't forget add my linkedin, guys. Thanks. :)

logustra commented 5 years ago

Hopefully this reference help you guys πŸ˜„ Reference for some kind of words that can't directly translate to indonesian

ciptohartanto commented 5 years ago

hi all, I am interested in helping with Indonesian translation. Can anyone show me the ropes please?

thickkoezz commented 5 years ago

hi all, I am interested in helping with Indonesian translation. Can anyone show me the repo, please?

Just fork this repo and continue the translation, then submit a PR... I'll do the rest. Thanks.

logustra commented 5 years ago

@ciptohartanto don't forget to write the title here, and the bot will be handle it automatically πŸ˜„

adibfirman commented 4 years ago

hey folks, is this repo is still maintained?

logustra commented 4 years ago

@adibfirman yeah, this repo still maintained, but the progress of translation slowly, because there are only a few contributors

igihcksn commented 4 years ago

Hi @thickkoezz, are this issue still need for translator?

thickkoezz commented 4 years ago

@igihcksn This issue is used just for milestone. Let's keep this open until all translations done 100%.

thickkoezz commented 4 years ago

@adibfirman and @ciptohartanto You could contribute if you have spare time. Just fork this repo, translate what you can translate, and submit a PR. I'll then pull it.

zdzc commented 4 years ago


thickkoezz commented 4 years ago

@zdzc Thanks

lanasta commented 4 years ago

Hello, I'm volunteering to translate the section on Data type - Map and Set. By the way, "Patterns and flags" is already translated but doesn't have the checkmark yet :)

thickkoezz commented 4 years ago

@lanasta Thank you for volunteering as well as reminding the checkmark. Once you are done translating, please submit a PR.

tjgeni commented 4 years ago

I take it the "Introduction: callbacks" article @thickkoezz

thickkoezz commented 4 years ago

@tegarjgap OK, kalau bisa jangan cuma satu, yang banyak ya. Thanks

tjgeni commented 4 years ago

OK @thickkoezz thank a lot

ciptohartanto commented 4 years ago

hi guys :) PR: please help review πŸ™‡

thickkoezz commented 4 years ago

hi guys :) PR: #45 please help review πŸ™‡

Done, thanks... Keep up the good work. You shall continue to other chapter as well.

hyuwah commented 4 years ago

hi @thickkoezz , i want to translate Garbage collection

hyuwah commented 4 years ago

Garbage collection

thickkoezz commented 4 years ago

@hyuwah okay, go on. thank you very much. if you want to take on other chapters as well, we'll be happy too.

lanasta commented 4 years ago

I’m in the process of translating Object.keys, values, entries. I will submit a pr soon.

lanasta commented 4 years ago

Global object

lanasta commented 4 years ago

Recursion and stack

tjgeni commented 4 years ago

I take it the Promises section

dummyeuy commented 4 years ago

Greetings. Hello @thickkoezz , I volunteer to translate Data Types: JSON Methods, toJSON.

thickkoezz commented 4 years ago

Ok, just go on. Thanks.

Greetings. Hello @thickkoezz , I volunteer to translate Data Types: JSON Methods, toJSON.

dummyeuy commented 4 years ago

Ok, just go on. Thanks.

Greetings. Hello @thickkoezz , I volunteer to translate Data Types: JSON Methods, toJSON.

Hello @thickkoezz I have sent the pull request for JSON methods, toJSON . Please kindly review it πŸ˜„

thickkoezz commented 4 years ago

Ok, just go on. Thanks.

Greetings. Hello @thickkoezz , I volunteer to translate Data Types: JSON Methods, toJSON.

Hello @thickkoezz I have sent the pull request for JSON methods, toJSON . Please kindly review it πŸ˜„

Done. Thanks bro

dummyeuy commented 4 years ago

Can I continue to translate JavaScript Fundamentals - Arrow functions, the basics ? @thickkoezz

dummyeuy commented 4 years ago

Can I continue to translate JavaScript Fundamentals - Arrow functions, the basics ? @thickkoezz

Excuse me @thickkoezz I have sent the pull request for Arrow functions, the basics . Please kindly review it 😁

p.s. I'm sorry for not waiting for your reply previously to do this translation

juuni26 commented 4 years ago

yo bro can i try translate "Object to primitive conversion" section . let me know if i can start doing the translate. and about "Function expressions" why it still unchecked ? i find it already translated

dummyeuy commented 4 years ago

yo bro can i try translate "Object to primitive conversion" section . let me know if i can start doing the translate. and about "Function expressions" why it still unchecked ? i find it already translated

Excuse me @juuni26 and @thickkoezz , but I've already translated Objects: the basics- Symbol type, Object methods, "this", Object to primitive conversion, and Constructor, operator "new" while I was waiting for my PR Arrow functions, the basics #53 to get reviewed & merged before this.

And I'm starting to make another PR for each section, from Symbol type until Constructor, operator "new".

@thickkoezz would you assign me for these sections? πŸ˜…

And @juuni26 can you please translate any sections after Constructor, operator "new" , I've translated those untranslated sections in Objects: the basics, though 😊

juuni26 commented 4 years ago

yo bro can i try translate "Object to primitive conversion" section . let me know if i can start doing the translate. and about "Function expressions" why it still unchecked ? i find it already translated

Excuse me @juuni26 and @thickkoezz , but I've already translated Objects: the basics- Symbol type, Object methods, "this", Object to primitive conversion, and Constructor, operator "new" while I was waiting for my PR Arrow functions, the basics #53 to get reviewed & merged before this.

And I'm starting to make another PR for each section, from Symbol type until Constructor, operator "new".

@thickkoezz would you assign me for these sections? πŸ˜…

And @juuni26 can you please translate any sections after Constructor, operator "new" , I've translated those untranslated sections in Objects: the basics, though 😊

oh ok. just gonna flex waiting my favorite section then

dummyeuy commented 4 years ago

yo bro can i try translate "Object to primitive conversion" section . let me know if i can start doing the translate. and about "Function expressions" why it still unchecked ? i find it already translated

Excuse me @juuni26 and @thickkoezz , but I've already translated Objects: the basics- Symbol type, Object methods, "this", Object to primitive conversion, and Constructor, operator "new" while I was waiting for my PR Arrow functions, the basics #53 to get reviewed & merged before this.

And I'm starting to make another PR for each section, from Symbol type until Constructor, operator "new".

@thickkoezz would you assign me for these sections? πŸ˜…

And @juuni26 can you please translate any sections after Constructor, operator "new" , I've translated those untranslated sections in Objects: the basics, though 😊

Excuse me @thickkoezz I have sent the pull request for Symbol type . Please kindly review it 😁

p.s. I'm sorry for not waiting for your reply previously to do this translation p.s. (2) And I've translated Object methods, "this", Object to primitive conversion, and Constructor, operator "new" also, and ready to make another PR after this one is merged :)