javiabellan / deep-learning

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Your markdown editor and augmix experience #1

Open nikky4D opened 3 years ago

nikky4D commented 3 years ago

I like your readme page. What tools did you use to create it? I would like to make something similar for my own page.

And what is your experience with AugMix. You state it is better than Cutmix and Mixup. Why? Do you have an implementation here? I've been working with this one: https://www.kaggle.com/haqishen/augmix-based-on-albumentations I was curious about your implementation

javiabellan commented 3 years ago

I use mainly markdown and a bit of HTML (you can explore the main readme.md).

I dont have practical experience with AugMix yet. You can explore also similar techniques like RandAugment and AutoAugment for using them with the fast.ai and TIMM libraries.