javiercf / react-markdown-loader

This loader parses markdown files and converts them to a React Stateless Component. It will also parse FrontMatter to import dependencies and render components along with it’s source code. We developed this loader in order to make the process of creating styleguides for React components easier
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Support for other import syntax in markdown #7

Closed fernandopasik closed 8 years ago

fernandopasik commented 8 years ago

Right now we only support this kind of import:

import Component from './component.js'

It would be cool to support also the not default exports

import { Component1, Component2 } from './component.js'

fernandopasik commented 8 years ago

Well seems like we support it out of the box actually hehe

if the syntax is

    '{ Component1, Component2 }': './component.js'