To reproduce the problem:
1. From the Eclipse platform, run Tonatiuh in release mode.
2. From the main Tonatiuh menu Select "Sun Light > Define SunLight>"
3. In the Sunshape Dialog, select "Pillbox_Sunshape" as the Sunshape type.
4. Select also either "Flat_disk" or "Flat_Rectangle" as Input Aperture type.
5. Click the Sunshape Dialog "OK" button.
Instead of creating the SunLight as specified the program will crash,
showing the following message in the Eclipse Console tab: "Coin warning in
SoBaseKit::setAnyPart(): part 'tsunshape' not found in LightKit"
Original issue reported on by on 7 Jul 2009 at 11:07
Original issue reported on by
on 7 Jul 2009 at 11:07