javiergutierrezchamorro / nikkhokkho

Software Javier Gutiérrez Chamorro (Guti)
7 stars 4 forks source link

RFE: "Global" "Recursion" #18

Open TPS opened 7 years ago

TPS commented 7 years ago

(@javiergutierrezchamorro I'm unhappy w/ the name of what I'm requesting, but I know what I mean, so please read through the following. If/when anybody gets a better designation, I'll happily accept it.):

I'd like to request a way to have FO automatically rerun the entire toolchain from the beginning on each file that's optimized successfully (defined any way you choose: lost > 0 bits/bytes, changed @ all, &c). I'd especially like it to keep a copy of each iteration in the Recycle Bin (just in case), & even, optionally, note via hover tooltip, the successive iteration totals (10,240 → 10,000 → 9950 → 9925).

Currently, I often run 100s of files @ once, sort by last column (% saved, &c), clear non-optimized files, refresh filesizes (for clarity), & then repeat manually. It'd save time/effort if FO could automate that. Doing so will usually squeeze every last possible byte w/in 3 or 4 iterations, on exponentially fewer files each time through, so much time isn't added over normal operation.


javiergutierrezchamorro commented 7 years ago

I will take a look. Hope it will not be that large.