javierlecca / nodejs-hexagonal-architecture-and-unit-test

This is a project to explain hexagonal architecture and unit tests in node.js
132 stars 32 forks source link

hi! why don't you divide the domain into entities? #1

Open nicolas-carlini opened 3 years ago

nicolas-carlini commented 3 years ago

I'm learning about hexagonal architecture and I still don't understand much, your project is very good at testing, thanks!

cwalternicolas commented 3 years ago

Mongoose dependency inside domain its not good.

Arkady-Skvortsov commented 2 years ago

Mongoose dependency inside domain its not good.

Yep, you are right about it); It's should be in adapters layer

Arkady-Skvortsov commented 2 years ago

And service layer in domain it's not good(If we speak about Clean Architect)