Open javiermontescarrera opened 11 months ago
Javier (jmc2177) and Gagan (gaganarora21)
Javier (jmc2177)
Transaction: 0xcd226c077027958849bf446f9637973515a3757a0427cba310acd80d6e9d9f4d
Javier (jmc2177) and Gagan (gaganarora21)
Transaction: 0xc5adc618c546619e44050f66062ede9c4af1351357c2a6d1c2772f1761fd1ca0
Gabriel (gabriel1190)
Gabriel (gabriel1190)
Javier (jmc2177)
Before buying:
Buying 2 Tokens (paying 0.02 ETH): Transaction hash: 0xb73680615c9de655e13e99f6a101a197380d69805ce4173ee05ff9509c3a2b3a
After Buying: As we can see, we spent 0.02 ETH in the purchase operation, as expected…
Now, our token balance is: 2.0 tokens:
Javier (jmc2177)
Before bet:
Place Bet Transaction Hash: 0x0ae7cff5cbb4f420deb77585a6044d5b05ffe25087933db07a470281ce744bd7
Token Balance after bet: We had an initial balance of 2.12 tokens and we just spent 2 (2 tokens = 2 bets) + 0.04 (total bet fee: 0.02 x 2). So we should have a balance of 0.08 tokens…
Javier (jmc2177)
Alice (aliceliu):
Used Javier's implementation of buy tokens and used .01 ETH to purchase 1 Lottery Token
Implemented frontend + backend for burn tokens. This function returns the lottery tokens and gives back to the user the equivalent ETH amount (when they first purchased the lottery token). It will revert if the user requests to burn an amount larger than the number of tokens they currently hold.
Javier (jmc2177) and Gagan (gaganarora21)
Transaction hash: 0x3a06db0b79135ffb71e1f3b9e02b1afd89e446c9222f1fab5c3d4439a6445fbe