javiersantos / WhatsAppBetaUpdater

An app to update WhatsApp to the latest beta version available on Android. Based on Material Design.
GNU General Public License v3.0
192 stars 57 forks source link

Strange locales #35

Closed christianfl closed 8 years ago

christianfl commented 8 years ago

When a new update is available, the app remembers the user with a new notification when this option is enabled. In the german version the locale is:

WhatsApp X.XX.XX ist verfügbar Update verwendet jetzt Beta Updater für WhatsApp

That message doesn't really make sense. Translated the second sentence means: Update uses Beta Updater for WhatsApp now.

It should be something like this or a similiar solution:

WhatsApp X.XX.XX ist verfügbar Tippe hier, um WhatsAppBetaUpdater zu öffnen.

Which means "WhatsApp X.XX.XX is available Tap here to open WhatsAppBetaUpdater."