javihgil / nexmo-bundle

Integrates Nexmo libs in Symfony2
MIT License
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Unroutable message - rejected #6

Open tahina4 opened 9 years ago

tahina4 commented 9 years ago

hey can you tell me what i am doing wrong ??

when i try to send a message i always get this message "Unroutable message - rejected". I tried: $sender = $this->get('jhg_nexmo_sms'); $sender->sendText("33633312421", "ok", "ok"); and this also this: $sender = $this->get('jhg_nexmo_sms'); $sender->sendText("+33633312421", "ok", "ok");

what am i doing wrong ?

Thank you.

javihgil commented 9 years ago

Hello tahina4, I'm sorry for the delay.

Try with 0033 instead of 33 or +33. Sometimes I had this error, and this worked for me.

However, this error means that Nexmo can not send your SMS, but it does not specify more details about error. (https://help.nexmo.com/hc/en-us/articles/204014733-What-are-Nexmo-delivery-error-codes-)

I hope this can help you.
