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Some VR scrapes come back missing fields #293

Closed org0ne closed 2 years ago

org0ne commented 2 years ago

Expected Behavior

Scrapes should catch all provided metadata

Javinizer -Find "DSVR-0953" -DmmJa

Source        : dmmja
Url           : https://www.dmm.co.jp/digital/videoa/-/detail/=/cid=13dsvr00953/?i3_ref=search&i3_ord=1
Id            : DSVR-953
ContentId     : 13dsvr00953
Title         : 【VR】数年ぶりに帰郷すると、アラサーの義姉は未だに自称家事手伝い(ニート)の喪女だった。無防備な尻、無様なまんぐりオナニーを覗き見て思わず襲ってしまうと、久しぶりのチ●ポに興奮止まずにイっても追撃騎乗位してくる! 古川いおり
Description   : <b><span style="color:red">【僕の義姉はアラサー喪女ニート(泣)】</span></b>
ReleaseDate   : 2021-07-19
ReleaseYear   : 2021
Runtime       : 94
Director      : 
Maker         : 
Label         : 
Series        : 
Rating        : @{Rating=9.34; Votes=6}
Actress       : @{LastName=; FirstName=; JapaneseName=古川いおり; ThumbUrl=}
Genre         : {単体作品, ハイクオリティVR, VR専用, 騎乗位…}
CoverUrl      : https://pics.dmm.co.jp/digital/video/13dsvr00953/13dsvr00953pl.jpg
ScreenshotUrl : {https://pics.dmm.co.jp/digital/video/13dsvr00953/13dsvr00953jp-1.jpg, 
TrailerUrl    : 

Current Behavior

When scraping a VR title on DmmJa, some fields are reported as missing even though they are clearly present

Steps to Reproduce (for bugs)

Javinizer -Path "/Temp/DSVR-953-pt1.mp4" -Url "https://www.dmm.co.jp/digital/videoa/-/detail/=/cid=13dsvr00953/"

WARNING: [/Temp/DSVR-0953-pt1.mp4] Skipped -- missing required fields [id, genre, maker, title]

Your Environment

jvlflame commented 2 years ago

Do you have dmmja set in your metadata priority settings for the missing fields?

org0ne commented 2 years ago

Ahh, I see how this works now.

After adding "dmmja" to id, genre, maker, and title, I was able to get past the errors, but noted that "maker" did not show up in my nfo file. You can see that it is missing from the scrape I posted above, but if you go to the actual dmm link, the maker field is there in the page.