javinizer / Javinizer

(NSFW) Organize your local Japanese Adult Video (JAV) library
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'sort.download.posterimg' is not working #335

Closed nerzak-dominion closed 2 years ago

nerzak-dominion commented 2 years ago

Expected Behavior

Download and Sort Poster Image

Current Behavior

none (skips the file)

Steps to Reproduce (for bugs)

Normal sort (even tried with a fresh install) It was working fine a few days ago, but it stopped. I don't know why. Other IMG download works fine (backdrop, screens, actors)

Your Environment

jvlflame commented 2 years ago

It's likely a python issue.

  1. Make sure that python is working correctly on your PATH image

  2. Run pip list and ensure that the Pillow package is installed

    Package             Version
    ------------------- -----------
    Pillow              8.1.0
nerzak-dominion commented 2 years ago

Hey, thank you for the quick reply.

Pillow is installed

Requirement already satisfied: pillow in c:\utl\system\python\lib\site-packages (9.1.0)

and Python is on path. I updated it just in case.

$ python Python 3.10.4 (tags/v3.10.4:9d38120, Mar 23 2022, 23:13:41) [MSC v.1929 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32 Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

Poster IMG still doesn't' work In the log it only shows this:

[2022-04-26T22:30:26][DEBUG] [SDJS-089] [Set-JVMovie] [Thumbnail - https://pics.r18.com/digital/video/1sdjs00089/1sdjs00089pl.jpg] downloaded to path [F:\Downloads\Asai Kokoha\SDJS-089-backdrop.jpg] [2022-04-26T22:30:26][DEBUG] [SDJS-089] [Set-JVMovie] [Poster - F:\Downloads\Asai Kokoha\SDJS-089-backdrop.jpg] cropped to path [F:\Downloads\Asai Kokoha\SDJS-089-poster.jpg]

But it doesn't create the file. Any ideas?

jvlflame commented 2 years ago

Did you change your settings?

Open the settings file with Javinizer -OpenSettings and check that the following are enabled:

"sort.download.posterimg": true,
"sort.format.posterimg": ["folder"],
nerzak-dominion commented 2 years ago

I had it working with these settings, but I noticed today that it stopped cropping the "poster" Everything else works fine.

"sort.download.actressimg": false, "sort.download.thumbimg": true, "sort.download.posterimg": true, "sort.download.screenshotimg": false, "sort.download.trailervid": false, "sort.download.timeoutduration": 100000, "sort.format.groupactress": true, "sort.format.delimiter": ", ", "sort.format.file": "<FILENAME>", "sort.format.folder": "<ID> [<STUDIO>] - <TITLE> (<YEAR>)", "sort.format.outputfolder": "", "sort.format.posterimg": "<FILENAME>-poster", "sort.format.thumbimg": "<FILENAME>-backdrop", "sort.format.trailervid": "<ID>-trailer", "sort.format.nfo": "<FILENAME>", "sort.format.screenshotimg": "<ID>-screens", "sort.format.screenshotimg.padding": 1, "sort.format.screenshotfolder": "extras", "sort.format.actressimgfolder": "<ID>-actors",

I just did a fresh install from Powershell with default settings but it didn't work either.

nerzak-dominion commented 2 years ago

I got it working, It was Pillow! I reinstalled it and now it works. (It was installed, but somehow got corrupted... maybe?) Anyway, thank you for pointing me in the right direction.

jvlflame commented 2 years ago

Glad you got it working! I was all out of ideas if it wasn't either of the two solutions.