Closed obiwone2000 closed 1 year ago
Raised in the discord chat, hope this is getting on to the list of issues to be fixed
Should be usable now. Check the latest version.
It is starting to get new entries, but I don't believe the entries are correct however. Example below
"Wakuimito","","Wakuimito","和久井美兎","wakui_mito.jpg", "Ashinahonoka","","Ashinahonoka","芦名ほのか","asina_honoka.jpg", "Takahatachihana","","Takahatachihana","高畑ちはな","takahata_tihana.jpg", "Hafu Yuria","Hafu","Yuria","葉風ゆりあ","hakaze_yuria.jpg", "Kashiwagi Konatsu","Kashiwagi","Konatsu","柏木こなつ","kasiwagi_konatu.jpg", "Kitayamayū","","Kitayamayū","北山憂","kitayama_yuu.jpg", "Otsu Alice","Otsu","Alice","乙アリス","otu_arisu.jpg", "Aratārina","","Aratārina","新ありな","arata_arina.jpg", "Minase Akari","Minase","Akari","皆瀬あかり","minase_akari.jpg", "Iorihinano","","Iorihinano","伊織ひなの","iori_hinano.jpg", "Yuzuriha Karen","Yuzuriha","Karen","楪カレン","yuzuriha_karen.jpg", "Mai Tsubasa","Mai","Tsubasa","つばさ舞","tubasa_mai.jpg", "Unpai","","Unpai","うんぱい","unpai.jpg", "Amamiya Hanan","Amamiya","Hanan","天宮花南","amamiya_kanan.jpg", "Kamikirei","","Kamikirei","神木麗","kamiki_rei.jpg",
What version and scraper are you currently using?
Sorry, How do I check? I only updated the GUI to 2.5.13
If you can share your settings, it would be better.
From the look for the jvThumbs.csv you shared, it looks fine except for names where the last name and first name are merged. This is highly dependent on the source you are scraping from. I will need to know which scraper you are using before I further debug it.
Attached my settings file, is that what you need?
Believe the data is getting from r18dev and current scrapper is below, also the full path for the thumbnail is missing:
function Get-R18DevActress { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [Object]$Webrequest,
process {
$movieActressObject = @()
if ($Webrequest.actresses) {
for ($x = 0; $x -lt $Webrequest.actresses.count; $x++) {
if (!$Webrequest.actresses[$x].image_url.StartsWith('http')) {
$ThumbUrl = '' + $Webrequest.actresses[$x].image_url
} else {
$ThumbUrl = $Webrequest.actresses[$x].image_url
$movieActressObject += [PSCustomObject]@{
LastName = ($Webrequest.actresses[$x].name_romaji -split ' ')[1] -replace '\\', ''
FirstName = ($Webrequest.actresses[$x].name_romaji -split ' ')[0] -replace '\\', ''
JapaneseName = $Webrequest.actresses[$x].name_kanji -replace '(.*)', '' -replace '&', '&'
ThumbUrl = $ThumbUrl
if ($movieActressObject.count -lt 1) {
$movieActressObject = $null
Write-Output $movieActressObject
"throttlelimit": 3,
"location.input": "X:\",
"location.output": "X:\",
"location.thumbcsv": "",
"location.genrecsv": "",
"location.uncensorcsv": "",
"location.historycsv": "",
"location.tagcsv": "",
"location.log": "",
"": false,
"": true,
"": true,
"": false,
"": true,
"": true,
"": false,
"": true,
"": false,
"": false,
"": false,
"": false,
"": true,
"": false,
"": true,
"": false,
"": true,
"": false,
"scraper.option.dmm.scrapeactress": true,
"scraper.option.idpreference": "id",
"scraper.option.addmaleactors": false,
"match.minimumfilesize": 0,
"match.includedfileextension": [
"match.excludedfilestring": [
"match.regex": false,
"match.regex.string": "([a-zA-Z|tT28]+-\d+[zZ]?[eE]?)(?:-pt)?(\d{1,2})?",
"match.regex.idmatch": 1,
"match.regex.ptmatch": 2,
"sort.movetofolder": true,
"sort.renamefile": true,
"sort.renamefolderinplace": false,
"sort.maxtitlelength": 40,
"sort.movesubtitles": false,
"sort.create.nfo": true,
"sort.create.nfoperfile": true,
"": true,
"": true,
"": true,
"": true,
"": false,
"": 100000,
"sort.format.groupactress": false,
"sort.format.delimiter": ", ",
"sort.format.file": "
It's not scraping from R18Dev at the moment.
You need to include R18Dev in your sort.metadata.priority
Seems like getting a thumbnail from DmmJa doesn't work right now, will need to take a look at that. R18Dev should be working though.
"sort.metadata.priority.actress": [
Added R18Dev and tried. Still the same. Name error, missing thumbnail path
I have also updated to 2.5.15
Could you share the video code?
Also, what do you get when you use the following in powershell?
Get-R18DevData -Url <url_link_to_one_of_r18dev_video_page>
Stars-734 I see the path for thumbnail using powershell but name is still wrong. I am using GUI though previously.
Get-R18DevData -Url
Source : r18dev Url : ContentId : 1stars734r Id : STARS734 Title : A Subordinate With Too Much Style Is Turned Into A Meat Slave By Blackmailing Him. The Lingerie Training Of The Power Harassment Boss In The Company! Rei Kamiki Description : ReleaseDate : 2023-04-13 ReleaseYear : 2023 Runtime : 140 Director : Zaku Arai Maker : SOD Create Label : SOD star Series : Actress : @{LastName=; FirstName=Kamikirei; JapaneseName=神木麗; ThumbUrl=} Genre : {Embarrassment, Shame, Office Lady, Big Tits…} CoverUrl : g ScreenshotUrl : TrailerUrl : tars734_mhb_w.mp4
The thumbnail path looks correct from the output. Are you doing a fresh sort? It should output the right thumbnail url to jvThumbs.csv
As for the name, it looks correct from's data. In fact on r18, there was no information on which is the FirstName and which is the LastName. It's just Romaji=Kamikirei
Still not getting the path for the thumbnail, just the file name is showing. Is the GUI getting different information?
Have you tried the latest version? 2.5.17?
The GUI just calls the CLI version of Javinizer for most of the operation, so the results should be the same
I ran with the mostly default settings, and I had no issue getting jvThumbs.csv to update with the correct thumbnail.
Unless I am misunderstanding something, but at this point I am still confused what is the issue.
After updating to 2.5.17 and deleting the existing entry in jvthumb. its getting the thumbs path. I guess the name is r18 bug instead. In terms of manual amendment, even after updating in GUI for the name, it still won't store in jvthumb. I assume the save happened at point of sorting and not at the point of saving the video. Either way, thanks for sorting the thumb path out. Appreciate all your help on this.
That is correct, by design it seems that jvThumbs is only updated with new entries. Existing entries will not be updated, so you definitely need to delete the entry to have it corrected.
From the code it seems like you can use -UpdateThumbs
to do an update, but that's broken right now and I haven't looked into fixing it yet.
And yes, the naming is directly taken from, and unfortunately it's not splitting correctly. Your only option is to choose aggregators that has the naming correct, or use an alias perhaps.
Expected Behavior
Sorted Actress name and pic would be saved to the list for future use
Current Behavior
The Actress info is not saving. Believe this is due to R18 becomes unavailable
Steps to Reproduce (for bugs)
Your Environment