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How to make applied DisplayName the file name #369

Open berrysoda opened 1 year ago

berrysoda commented 1 year ago

Expected Behavior

1) Is there a way to just pull the first listed actress for videos with multiple actresses? The best thing to do seems to be to pull DisplayName as - , fix the @Group if applicable, make that the Title as well, then set at least sort.format.file & sort.format.folder to </p> <p>I just want it to pull the first actress's name and save it with a format like this <Actress #1> - <ID> I just don't know if there is some way to get it to work so that I don't have to modify anything</p> <p>Maybe an option to limit how many actresses it'll grab when @Group is applicable?</p> <h2>Current Behavior</h2> <p>Not that</p> <h2>Steps to Reproduce (for bugs)</h2> <h2>Your Environment</h2> <ul> <li>Module version used: 2.5.13</li> <li>Operating System and PowerShell version: Powershell 7.3 + Windows 10</li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="comment"> <div class="user"> <a rel="noreferrer nofollow" target="_blank" href="https://github.com/seeyabye"><img src="https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/36906720?v=4" />seeyabye</a> commented <strong> 1 year ago</strong> </div> <div class="markdown-body"> <p>Doesn't look like this is supported at the moment.</p> </div> </div> <div class="page-bar-simple"> </div> <div class="footer"> <ul class="body"> <li>© <script> document.write(new Date().getFullYear()) </script> Githubissues.</li> <li>Githubissues is a development platform for aggregating issues.</li> </ul> </div> <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/jquery@3.5.1/dist/jquery.min.js"></script> <script src="/githubissues/assets/js.js"></script> <script src="/githubissues/assets/markdown.js"></script> <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/highlightjs/cdn-release@11.4.0/build/highlight.min.js"></script> <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/highlightjs/cdn-release@11.4.0/build/languages/go.min.js"></script> <script> hljs.highlightAll(); </script> </body> </html>