javinizer / Javinizer

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Bug: unable to find these videos, but they do exist on sites #85

Closed zuko7177 closed 4 years ago

zuko7177 commented 4 years ago

Tested alpha10 on 50+ videos. Great work on this release!

Here's 3 video example that it did not find, but they do exists on the sites. image

HMPD-10042 DMM: https://www.dmm.co.jp/mono/dvd/-/detail/=/cid=41hmpd10042/?i3_ref=search&i3_ord=1

HMPD-10047 DMM: https://www.dmm.co.jp/mono/dvd/-/detail/=/cid=41hmpd10047/?i3_ref=search&i3_ord=1

HHED-055 R18: https://www.r18.com/videos/vod/movies/detail/-/id=h_086hhed00055/?i3_ref=search&i3_ord=1 JavLibrary: http://www.javlibrary.com/en/?v=javli73nty

jvlflame commented 4 years ago

For whatever reason, HMPD10042 and HMPD10047 don't show up when you search for them in DMM. That's why they're not being found. Unfortunately there's no way around that unless I make it fall back to the ID that was found from R18 (which was the method used in v1.x.x).

As for HHED-055, it doesn't follow the standard 3 number ID schema on Javlibrary, so that's why it's not matching properly. image

Javinizer's automatic ID matching/renaming requires that the ID match exactly what is listed at the source as to avoid mismatches. For example, if you did Javinizer -Find HHED-055 -Javlibrary it would fail, but if you did Javinizer -Find HHED-55 -Javlibrary it would find it successfully.

You can see this in action when you run with -Debug. image

Unfortunately I don't think I could write in logic to match these fringe cases due to it most likely causing issues elsewhere. But the way around it is using the -Strict parameter when sorting or using the regex match to match filenames exactly by their ID rather than automatically converting them to their standard format. You would name the file HHED-55.mp4 and then run Javinizer -Path 'path/to/HHED-55.mp4' -Strict and it would set the ID to HHED-55 rather than HHED-055.

zuko7177 commented 4 years ago

No worries about HHED-055. As you said these are fringe cases and should not come up often. When they do, it's easy enough to do the work-around. Feel free to close this ticket. Great job on this release. I've been testing it further without issues.

jvlflame commented 4 years ago

Thanks for raising this issue though. I'll update the documentation to include these cases.