javirudolph / mossmat

Moss volatile and G matrix. Evolution stuff
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20190612 - Meeting #9

Open javirudolph opened 5 years ago

javirudolph commented 5 years ago

Meeting with Stuart

He is suggesting a tradeoff between making volatiles and the leaf size, in the case of males. Repro unit and some clusters. Total amount of carbon produced by those clusters, compared to all the carbon that is produced. In the case of males, interesting to see negative correlation between the vocs and several life history traits.

Missing the correlation matrix of the traits for females.

Look at the correlation matrices for males and females side by side, or subtract one from the other to see the change between them.

Regarding the talk

Kollarlm commented 5 years ago

This is Stuart's feedback after the talk...

Here is the review that I mentioned -- https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/jeb.12188

I think starting out your talk with a bit about sexual dimorphism – most significant polymorphism within many populations, often in traits related to reproduction, but curiously in other traits seemingly less connected to reproduction too. The evolution of sexual dimorphism is constrained by the fact that one genome must build two distinct phenotypes (female and male), a constraint partially described by the cross sex correlation. In a quantitative genetics framework, the cross sex correlations form the diagonals of a cross sex variance covariance matrix, called B. However, the off-diagonal elements of B describe how the evolution of dimorphism potentially can be enhanced by trait covariation, in particular if B is asymmetric.

Here we examine dimorphism in moss VOCs. These are known to be important for mating… etc…

I would think about showing data on additive vs environmental variance for VOC production

A statistical test comparing G male vs G female

And also comparing the symmetry in the B matrix – is above the diagonal the same as below?

javirudolph commented 5 years ago

VOC with clones

I created a new .md file here. It is in the Rmds folder.

It creates a new data frame .RDS file with the VOC data, scaled and transformed with the clones info.

However, when doing the clustering, we get a different number of clusters (19). I don't trust this or the correlation matrix from it, because we are considering each clone as an independent sample, but we know this isn't true since they are related by their genotype. Will have to look into this more.

Overall, I think it's important to include the fact that these are clones and therefore not independent samples?

Kollarlm commented 5 years ago

Ok. So getting the clusters is not necessarily possible? I think I understand what you are saying.


Leslie M. Kollar

Ph.D. Candidate

Department of Biology

University of Florida

Twitter: @Kollar_Genetics

Pronouns: She/her/hers

From: Javiera Rudolph notifications@github.com Sent: Monday, June 17, 2019 11:11:27 AM To: javirudolph/mossmat Cc: Kollar,Leslie M; Comment Subject: Re: [javirudolph/mossmat] 20190612 - Meeting (#9)

VOC with clones

I created a new .md file herehttps://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__github.com_javirudolph_mossmat_blob_master_Rmds_VOC-5Fcleanup-5Fw-5Fclones.md&d=DwMCaQ&c=sJ6xIWYx-zLMB3EPkvcnVg&r=XBGf66T2ZPyLIsd9UZy7Vw&m=mBd9YDzouqLo0eTN-nYarrm_Eaclgcp_HAfQOUoPKp4&s=iuDqSnIrvC-kFUpnKem5eIypSBO285JL_0HX4R0OAGU&e=. It is in the Rmds folder.

It creates a new data frame .RDS file with the VOC data, scaled and transformed with the clones info.

However, when doing the clustering, we get a different number of clusters (19). I don't trust this or the correlation matrix from it, because we are considering each clone as an independent sample, but we know this isn't true since they are related by their genotype. Will have to look into this more.

Overall, I think it's important to include the fact that these are clones and therefore not independent samples?

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javirudolph commented 5 years ago

We can get the clusters! Just not using exactly the same method. So, I need to look into it and will probably not happen today.