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Check all Email alerts #159

Open javulorg opened 5 years ago

javulorg commented 5 years ago

Certain email alerts are incorrect e.g. if an Unit is edited, the 'welcome' email is sent. Need a good way to manage these emails in case changes need to be changed. Also change 'from' email to 'javul.org AT gmail.com' (replace AT with @). Check subjects of emails too.

javulorg commented 5 years ago


  1. examine all emails that are sent for various things (search code for this).
  2. for email recipient, add dev's email address to the recipient list so we can both look at the emails.
  3. Copy paste all existing email code text here to this ticket.
  4. Make a list of where these emails are stored in the code
  5. Make changes to the emails
  6. Test the received emails (trigger whatever action is needed to send those emails)
hovikmargar commented 5 years ago

What message to send if an Unit is edited?

hovikmargar commented 5 years ago

info@javul.org replace to javul.org@gmail.com?

javulorg commented 5 years ago

"What message to send if an Unit is edited?" -- is there no existing email for that? Please follow the steps that I wrote down. Let me know what specific step is not clear.

hovikmargar commented 5 years ago

Well, I understand you. About the 1st and 2nd step there are no questions.

  1. What code should i copy to this ticket. Email message content?
javulorg commented 5 years ago

Yes, because thats what we are trying to change. Since I dont know what the emails say, we need to look at their content.

hovikmargar commented 5 years ago

I sent you an email (to javul.org@gmail.com)

javulorg commented 5 years ago

Step 4 please

javulorg commented 5 years ago

Step 4 means we need to mention the path of the PHP file where any and all email code is stored Take the path of each email content and list here in this ticket.

For example

  1. Donation request Path: /ABC/DEF/ xyz.php

Also put the path in the Doc file you sent. We are trying to track where all the code is so its easier to make changes in the future.

javulorg commented 5 years ago

Also, what did you search in the code in order to find these locations?

hovikmargar commented 5 years ago

endEmailAndOnSiteAlert & Mail::send

do I specify only files? or files and message content and what is it for?

javulorg commented 5 years ago

Just the file path and what kind of notif it has.

javulorg commented 5 years ago

Also recommend a good WYSIWYG editor where I can copy paste the code into and where I can make changes and get the code back. A good editor will also show table borders.

hovikmargar commented 5 years ago


good editor

javulorg commented 5 years ago

ok thanks

javulorg commented 5 years ago

Ok please continue with other issues, I'll work on this and get the new content.

javulorg commented 5 years ago

Ok. for this particular issue, the best way is to do it myself in case there are a lot of changes and I also need to be able to upload to Github directly for things like this (text based changes) and I will also update the user guide on it, for how to do this. Can you help me with setting up github and how to upload to it? Or let me know of a Youtube video or article that I can check etc.

Also i need to update our wiki page on what you did to get the server up and running. So those are the two things we'll work on before working on any issues.