jaw20 / Crunchyroll-XML-Decoder

GNU General Public License v2.0
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Login Issue #25

Closed GokuuSon closed 7 years ago

GokuuSon commented 7 years ago

I installed all of the libraries mentioned in the document here but when I run crunchy-xml-decoder.bat it gives me an error after I try to login. crunchy error

Please let me know what I'm doing wrong or if I'm missing something. Thanks.

alzamer2 commented 7 years ago

i got the same problem after looking for it i found you need to download node.js you can found it here: https://nodejs.org/en/download/package-manager/

ps:lol you are lucky i just loged in and checked the site

GokuuSon commented 7 years ago

Hey alzamer2, thanks for you help, I got past that issue, but now suddenly when I type in my login info, I just get a login failed message, even though I entered all the correct information. Any ideas?

alzamer2 commented 7 years ago

not sure make make sure caps lock are off and num lock on if you are using numpad ( the password is hidden so you cant correct them if they are wroung)

GokuuSon commented 7 years ago

Yeah, I've tried everything, but it just keeps failing

alzamer2 commented 7 years ago

try cloning my fork https://github.com/alzamer2/Crunchyroll-XML-Decoder

alzamer2 commented 7 years ago

say did you install m3u8?

GokuuSon commented 7 years ago

Yeah, I did. Your fork doesn't let me login either. I notice that for some reason this .bat detects my Windows as 8, even though I have 10 running. Is there an issue with Windows 10?

GokuuSon commented 7 years ago

I decided to try saying I have no account and it still says Login Failed, which I find a bit strange.

alzamer2 commented 7 years ago

are you premum?

GokuuSon commented 7 years ago


alzamer2 commented 7 years ago

hmm check near bat file if there is cookies file sometime he login but give you error msg

alzamer2 commented 7 years ago

if it exsit open it with notepad and see if there like 30 line or more

GokuuSon commented 7 years ago

Sadly I don't see any cookies file

alzamer2 commented 7 years ago

can you post the new error?

GokuuSon commented 7 years ago

crunchy error 2

alzamer2 commented 7 years ago

just to make sure try to logon in the site i will check the code in the mean time

GokuuSon commented 7 years ago

Yeah, I tried the site, even changed my password and everything works fine on the site itself.

alzamer2 commented 7 years ago

try pressing no that way you will log in as guest

GokuuSon commented 7 years ago

yeah, that's the funny thing, even pressing no, I got Login Failed

GokuuSon commented 7 years ago

Is there some specific version of m3u8 I'm supposed to be using? Because I did install a version of it already.

alzamer2 commented 7 years ago

you did use pip or install it manually?

GokuuSon commented 7 years ago

I installed manually because I wasn't sure how to use pip specifically.. I found a post here about how to do the install itself

alzamer2 commented 7 years ago

how did you install it?

GokuuSon commented 7 years ago

My version of m3u8 is 0.3.1 so I don't know if that's an issue

GokuuSon commented 7 years ago

I used the following: cd \python27\m3u8-0.3.1 \python27\python setup.py install

alzamer2 commented 7 years ago

maybe its not for your python your is bit 32 program (not os) so if you downloaded m3u8 64bit he will not work correctly

GokuuSon commented 7 years ago

my system is actually 64 bit, do I need to be using 64 bit python? Cause I read in previous versions that they recommended the 32 bit

alzamer2 commented 7 years ago

not that i mean m3u8 did you install 32bit or 64bit?

GokuuSon commented 7 years ago

I'm not sure.. need to check

GokuuSon commented 7 years ago

is there a way to uninstall a specific version of m3u8?

alzamer2 commented 7 years ago

go to your python27 folder enter script folder (mine is C:\Python27\Scripts) in file> press open command line prompt type "pip show m3u8" to check version type "pip uninstall m3u8" to to remove it type "pip install m3u8" to to reinstall it type "pip show m3u8" to check version again then post it here

GokuuSon commented 7 years ago

I don't think it installed again

crunchy error 3

alzamer2 commented 7 years ago

hmm from what i see you used old version type "pip upgrade m3u8" to to upgrade it type "pip show m3u8" to check version again

GokuuSon commented 7 years ago

Is there a specific version I should use? cause I stupidly deleted the newer version, not unistalling it properly

alzamer2 commented 7 years ago

mine is 0.3.1 your was 0.2.1

GokuuSon commented 7 years ago

Ok, so originally I installed the newest one, 0.3.1... then I found a different one on this site, that may have been a tad old and tried installing that one instead

alzamer2 commented 7 years ago

try installing the new one and try to log in again

GokuuSon commented 7 years ago

Ok, I reinstalled the 0.3.1.. again, I'm not sure if it's 32 or 64 bit as I downloaded it from the python site and it didn't give me an option for one or the other

alzamer2 commented 7 years ago

you could have used pip

GokuuSon commented 7 years ago

For checking whether it's 32 or 64 bit?

GokuuSon commented 7 years ago

crunchy error 4

alzamer2 commented 7 years ago

ok try now to login

GokuuSon commented 7 years ago

Still nada.. Login Failed, even if I try to not have an account

GokuuSon commented 7 years ago

I apologize for being a pain in the butt here, but I'm just not sure what I'm doing wrong.

alzamer2 commented 7 years ago

i can give you guest cookies do you know how to edit it?

GokuuSon commented 7 years ago

Not sure, haven't really done it before

alzamer2 commented 7 years ago

what browser do you use?

GokuuSon commented 7 years ago

Chrome or Firefox

alzamer2 commented 7 years ago

ok in firefox install cookeis manager+ then after restart firefox you can find it under tools type Crunchyroll then press refresh

GokuuSon commented 7 years ago

Ok, done