jawee / language-blade

Blade (Laravel) templating support in Atom
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Scope names are inconsistent #48

Closed jbrooksuk closed 8 years ago

jbrooksuk commented 8 years ago

GitHub now supports highlighting of Blade files (thanks to this package 🎉) however, it's unable to highlight the @end scopes due to inconsistent names.


As @Alhadis suggested, the repo needs to follow the guidelines on naming conventions.

Alhadis commented 8 years ago

To point out the pertinent part:

the meta scope is generally used to markup larger parts of the document. For example the entire line which declares a function would be meta.function and the subsets would be storage.type, entity.name.function, variable.parameter etc. and only the latter would be styled.

This package is assigning meta.embedded.keyword.blade to @endif, which is basically combining two elements that're expected to be separate: meta and keyword.

Ingramz commented 8 years ago

It has been an issue for a long time, so it doesn't come to me as a surprise.

Here is where you need to look at https://github.com/jawee/language-blade/blob/master/grammars/blade.cson#L12-L120

Submit a pull request if you think you have an idea how to solve this.