Have uploaded a site's images to S3 and whilst it loos all ok there are references still to /wpcontent/uploads/ . .
So if i delete whats in the uploads the images are replaced with placeholders and are referencing wp-content/uploads/ and not amazon S3. However the images are correctly in place in the S3 directory..
These are images directly placed within certain posts e.g.
Have uploaded a site's images to S3 and whilst it loos all ok there are references still to /wpcontent/uploads/ . .
So if i delete whats in the uploads the images are replaced with placeholders and are referencing wp-content/uploads/ and not amazon S3. However the images are correctly in place in the S3 directory..
These are images directly placed within certain posts e.g.
<img class="size-medium wp-image-3121 aligncenter" src="http://xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/IMG_3332-450x600.jpg" alt="img_3332" width="450" height="600" />
Any ideas?