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Improving Ajax mechanism/Migrating to another javascript framework #12

Closed afz closed 11 years ago

afz commented 11 years ago
valkoun commented 11 years ago

Do you have a new framework in mind? I have been using PEAR's HTML_AJAX for a long time with Jaws and I'm happy... I don't think it supports concurrent requests though. May I ask why that is important? PHP sequentially processes requests anyway, which use the same session variables due to locking of the session. So either "session_write_close()" would have to be used, or a session-less controller or something.

afz commented 11 years ago

I prefer Mootools for using as javascript framework. and multi concurrence/queue ajax request for frontend not php(backend), for this reason we implement a very light js class as wrapper of Mootools Ajax api

valkoun commented 11 years ago

I meant that since AJAX calls PHP, the AJAX calls all have their same PHP session-scope, right? The calls would then be executed sequentially anyway: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/898190/jquery-making-simultaneous-ajax-requests-is-it-possible#comment705806_898204

afz commented 11 years ago

Our current Ajax library(JPSpan), support only one request at same time, so just for emphasize i put this feature in list

mkhahani commented 11 years ago

Okay, let's break up the subject.

In AJAX we need two types of libraries, one library for client side (i.e. JavaScript) that makes requests to the server and receives responses and another library for server side (i.e. PHP) that receives requests, prepares data and returns responses.

Currently we use JPSpan that manages both server and client sides. But JPSpan is old, slow, insecure and, as Ali mentioned, no support for concurrent requests(client side). So we are looking for a replacement.

Alan suggests PEAR's HTML_AJAX and he says that's okay. I have no experience with that. But since almost all major JS frameworks (including Prototype) have handled AJAX, we may want to use them with a small JS wrapper for Jaws.

And for server side I think that's not a big deal and we can have our own script to receive AJAX requests and prepare data(usually gotten from Model).

So AJAX is not the subject we need to migrate from Prototype and there are other reasons for that such as small community and UI components deficiency. I suggest to create a new issue to discuss on choosing right JS framework.

valkoun commented 11 years ago

Definitely agree on migration from Prototype. jQuery is hard to pass up.

afz commented 11 years ago

jQuery is a toolkit, and Mootools is an object-oriented javascript framework and very similar to Prototype. A great article about our subject is here: http://jqueryvsmootools.com