jawslouis / Battlegrounds-Match-Data

Save match data from Hearthstone Battlegrounds into a CSV
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Plugin broken in new version of Hearthstone Deck Tracker #18

Closed Istumi closed 2 years ago

Istumi commented 3 years ago


Since the last update of Hearthstone Deck Tracker the plugin doesn't start at all with the following error:

System.ArgumentException: Empty path name is not legal. at System.IO.FileStream.Init(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, Int32 rights, Boolean useRights, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES secAttrs, String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy, Boolean useLongPath, Boolean checkHost) at System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access) at BattlegroundsMatchData.SpreadsheetConnector.Initialize(Config config) at BattlegroundsMatchData.BgMatchDataPlugin.OnLoad() at Hearthstone_Deck_Tracker.Plugins.PluginWrapper.Load() in D:\a\Hearthstone-Deck-Tracker\Hearthstone-Deck-Tracker\Hearthstone Deck Tracker\Plugins\PluginWrapper.cs:line 93

hizenzen commented 3 years ago

Will there be any fix, or this is the end of this plugin?

jawslouis commented 2 years ago

Sorry this comes late. The plugin is no longer maintained, I am now looking for someone who can take over from me.

benluiwj commented 2 years ago

Hi @hizenzen , @Istumi, I am the person who will be taking over from @jawslouis! Do create an issue on my fork, https://github.com/benluiwj/Battlegrounds-Match-Data and I will resolve it from there! Thanks!

benluiwj commented 2 years ago

Hi @hizenzen, I believe the plugin still works but now you would have to unzip the file and then add it to the plugins folder instead. Hope that helps! I will update the README to better reflect that! Sorry for the confusion!