Suggested fix:
Default to g:bl_no_implystart=1 (or place in vimrc)
Modify brolink.vim so that one calls Brolink manually in vim for files that they would like live preview enabled on.
function! s:Start()
if !exists("g:bl_no_autoupdate")
if has('mac')
silent !open '%:p'
call s:setupHandlers()
au VimLeave * :BLDisconnect
call s:Connect()
if !exists("g:bl_no_implystart")
call s:Start()
command Brolink call <SID>Start()
My change also auto opens the html in the default browser on OSX and moves the Disconnect to the start function or you end up with errors every time vim exits if Brolink hasn't been called yet.
Then in vim when editing an html that you want live preview enabled (and if brolink node app is running) run :Brolink
Suggested fix: Default to
(or place in vimrc) Modify brolink.vim so that one calls Brolink manually in vim for files that they would like live preview enabled on.My change also auto opens the html in the default browser on OSX and moves the Disconnect to the start function or you end up with errors every time vim exits if Brolink hasn't been called yet.
Then in vim when editing an html that you want live preview enabled (and if brolink node app is running) run