In some places, the additional arguments that should be passed to matplotlibs plotting functions are passed via a dict, sometimes the function interface wants a dict.
For example, running:
import jaxley as jx
comp = jx.Compartment()
comp.vis(type="comp", morph_plot_kwargs={"facecolor":'red'})
gives a Type Error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "[...]/jaxley/modules/", line 1914, in vis
return plot_comps(self, dims=dims, ax=ax, col=col, **morph_plot_kwargs)
TypeError: plot_comps() got an unexpected keyword argument 'facecolor'
Either it has to be changed there to comp_plot_kwargs=morph_plot_kwargs or the interface has to change to the **kwargs style.
In some places, the additional arguments that should be passed to matplotlibs plotting functions are passed via a dict, sometimes the function interface wants a dict.
For example, running:
gives a Type Error:
Either it has to be changed there to
or the interface has to change to the **kwargs style.