jay3sh / cadmium

Python library for Solid Modelling
59 stars 15 forks source link

Hmc dev #7

Open eelcovv opened 8 years ago

eelcovv commented 8 years ago

Hi Jay3sh

Thanks for this excellent solid modeller tool. It looks very promissing to my project

However, I have installed your module under windows and had to do quite some fixed in order to get the examples running. It seems that some naming in the OCC are different. Perhaps you could review my changes and see if they also apply under the linux version as well. Otherwise perhaps you could add a operating system check to switch between windows and linux. Everything I have changed in solid.py relates to different namings.

The only example I could not get going number 11 which now gives the error "Wrong number or type of arguments for overloaded function 'gp_XYZ_Coord'." Perhaps you can see what goes wrong.

The other example is the test-example which is using fontforge. I could never get this installed. So I have added a try/except in the source because otherwise you can not load the module in the first place. Now only the font related examples do not work if you don't have fontforge

Anyway, all other examples are working like a charme. I think this is a really handy module

Regards Eelco

jay3sh commented 8 years ago

Hi @eelcovv. The pull request looks great. Thanks for testing cadmium on Windows. I'll be glad to accept this pull request, but it will be better to squash all the commits into a single commit. That way if we find any regressions in future, they will be easy to locate using git-bisect.

(If you need any help with squashing, here's some git help https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-Tools-Rewriting-History#Squashing-Commits)