jayasting98 / pe

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`grade` does not update grade correctly #5

Open jayasting98 opened 2 years ago

jayasting98 commented 2 years ago

To reproduce:

  1. Enter command like grade 2 as/RA1 g/100



nus-pe-bot commented 2 years ago

Team's Response

Duplicate of #1409.

This comes from the testers not refreshing the view after updating grades, thus seeing the outdated version.

The 'Original' Bug

[The team marked this bug as a duplicate of the following bug]

undo does not work properly after changing participation marks

To reproduce:

  1. Type participation command like participation 2 ses/3 add/420


  • Result (correct; adds particiaption and attendance):


  1. Use undo command
    • Result (wrong; removes neither participation nor attendance):


[original: nus-cs2103-AY2122S1/pe-interim#1366] [original labels: severity.Low type.FunctionalityBug]

Their Response to the 'Original' Bug

[This is the team's response to the above 'original' bug]

After reproduction of the bug, the attendance and participation were indeed 'undone', it is just that the view was not updated concurrently (it is outdated because it is the result of a past command, not the current command)

If view can be updated concurrently, it would be out-of-scope of development as it requires multiple commands to be recognized and executed at the same time.

In order to view the updated state of the undone changes, the user needs to use the view command again to refresh the view, as the view you have is outdated.

Items for the Tester to Verify

:question: Issue duplicate status

Team chose to mark this issue as a duplicate of another issue (as explained in the Team's response above)

Reason for disagreement: I am not completely sure this is a duplicate because this is a different feature. Even if it is for a similar reason, I highly doubt that if it were fixed for undo then it would necessarily be fixed for grade. This is evident from attendance working and updating the UI as expected. It is kind of fixed for attendance but not for undo or grade, and so even if undo is fixed, grade would not necessarily be fixed.

:question: Issue response

Team chose [response.Rejected]

Reason for disagreement: Similar to my disagreement with the rejection of the undo bug:

In that case, where it seems to be a deliberate design decision, then it might be a feature flaw, though I cannot change the bug type anymore. Nevertheless, I feel this response is merely trying to come up with an excuse, and it might not have actually been a design decision. In which case, it should remain a functionality bug.

I believe it is expected for the UI to update for any action no matter what. Imagine using Microsoft Word and no matter how much you type, you do not see any words being displayed because we did not click some refresh button (in reference to my grade-related bug that you marked as a duplicate which is my issue #5 or your issue #1318). Then let us say once we refresh, and the words pop up, we do not like it so we want to undo, but no matter how much we undo, the words still remain the same unless we click some refresh button. That is also frustrating and not something any user would expect, and it should be the same case here.

What is worse is that if we really were required to use view to refresh the UI, the dropdown menus would collapse again, and I would have to click to open them again. It was pretty frustrating, and probably not optimised for fast typists.

I also do not think this concerns multiple commands to be executed at the same time. I think that because this is expected behaviour, this actually falls within the same command still. It would be like in a browser. It is pretty standard to have a feature where users click on a tab to show it; this is the parallel to the view command. Another feature is to open a link; this is the parallel to the undo or grade command. It would be expected that once the link is opened, the browser shows the tab or window that shows the web page of that link. However, this is still part of the same feature. It is not multiple features together. In the same way, updating the UI after undo or grade should still be part of the same feature.

Also, as I have mentioned probably multiple times now, this behaviour of updating the UI immediately is expected. Thus, I do not think it can be considered out-of-scope development.

Not only that, if all of what was stated in the response were all really planned for, then why does attendance work and update the UI as expected. Why is there such an inconsistency?