jaycrossler / geoq-django

Collect geospatial features and manage feature collection among groups of users.
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How to handle testing-required libs #61

Closed jillson closed 10 years ago

jillson commented 10 years ago

After doing some refactoring on how some of the badges imports are done to break out of python import loop suck, I hit another small obstacle in the form of guardian requiring mock for its built in user tests. (See https://github.com/lukaszb/django-guardian/issues/184) Installing mock gets me further; do we want to just follow the guardian approach of documenting that mock is needed to run tests (note also that so far at least, if I just use django manage.py test core I don't get that issue, in other words this appears to only be if we want to run the guardian included unit tests at the moment)

jackiekazil commented 10 years ago

(Doing ticket pruning.) @jillson -- is this still a open concern or is it an non-issue?