jaydeepw / poly-picker

Android library project for providing multiple image selection from the device.
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Conflicts with existing FAB #67

Closed kevindesai777 closed 8 years ago

kevindesai777 commented 9 years ago

After compiling this library existing FAB turned square and it's color changed. On removing the library, FAB returned back to normal.

jaydeepw commented 9 years ago

Which library are you using in your app to show FAB?

kevindesai777 commented 9 years ago

Android Design Support Library.

jaydeepw commented 9 years ago


kevindesai777 commented 9 years ago

Just one version exists. 22.2.0

jaydeepw commented 9 years ago

Ohh OK. This uses 22.0.0. That is the issue.

compile 'net.the4thdimension:poly-picker:1.0.14' { exclude group: com.android.support', name: 'appcompat-v7', version: 'appcompat-v7' }

Something like this to escape the dependency that I have added and use the one you have added. It is called removing transitive dependency. If this doesnt work, just get the module in you app and remove dependencies.

kevindesai777 commented 9 years ago

There is some error in

compile 'net.the4thdimension:poly-picker:1.0.14' { exclude group: com.android.support', name: 'appcompat-v7', version: 'appcompat-v7' }

String end expected is what Android Studio gives.

jaydeepw commented 9 years ago

compile 'net.the4thdimension:poly-picker:1.0.14' { exclude group: 'com.android.support', name: 'appcompat-v7', version: 'appcompat-v7' }

kevindesai777 commented 9 years ago

Still not working

Error:(46, 0) Gradle DSL method not found: 'net.the4thdimension:poly-picker:1.0.14()' Possible causes:

jaydeepw commented 9 years ago

Why are there braces '()' next to the version number?

kevindesai777 commented 9 years ago

That's what the error shows up like. Support library got an update, now up to version 22.2.1. Can you update your library?

jaydeepw commented 9 years ago

Sorry but updating master is not straight forward, otherwise I would have dont that thsi weekend. The directory structure has changed in develop and merging that with master needs some testing and time. I will try earliest to get it done and then comment back here.

kevindesai777 commented 9 years ago

Alright! Will wait for it

jaydeepw commented 9 years ago

I just checked with gradle please, it shows me the latest version is "compile 'com.android.support:appcompat-v7:22.2.0'" which is the same version I am using and it works in the same app.

jaydeepw commented 9 years ago

Hi Kevin, I am here again. Can you please revisit the download section of the library. I have just recently updated it. https://github.com/jaydeepw/poly-picker#download

I made 2 changes, first update readme with correct dependency string and secondly, also add the jitpack as a repository url in the repositories section of build.gradle. Please make sure that version number is now, 'v1.0.14'

nimitsolanki commented 9 years ago

Hi Jaydeep,

I'm using v1.0.14 and facing same issue. FAB turned to square. Do we have any update on this issue ?

jaydeepw commented 9 years ago

Ahh,,, sorry man. No idea about it. The FAB shows correct for me on both, Lollipop and lesser API devices.

kevindesai777 commented 9 years ago

capture Still the same issue!

nimitsolanki commented 9 years ago

Guys, Do we have any work around for this issue ?

kevindesai777 commented 9 years ago

@jaydeepw I am not having issues with the FAB in the Camera fragment. Another FAB that I use in my project turned to square.

kevindesai777 commented 9 years ago

@nimitsolanki Not currently

jaydeepw commented 9 years ago

@kevindesai777 that is coz camera fragment is using 3rd party FAB right now. I tried putting new FAB from design support in polypicker but that made FAB square on Lollipop, working well on <21. So I decided to continue with 3rd party FAB. However, Chris Banes cheesesquare works well on both, >=21 and <21 https://github.com/chrisbanes/cheesesquare

jaydeepw commented 9 years ago

I am not able to figure out what is being done wrong when using FAB from design support. Let me know if you guys are able to figure out.

kevindesai777 commented 9 years ago

In the Android Design Library v22.2.0, the FAB had a couple of issues. If you put app:borderWidth="0dp" the square will turn to round. Also a couple of days back they updated the support library to version 22.2.1 which fixes that issue.


jaydeepw commented 9 years ago

AFA I recall, I had tried adding app:borderWidth=0dp and that didnt work in my case. Maybe I will try that again and then if everything looks fine, will bring PP with FAB to life. :)

nimitsolanki commented 9 years ago

app:borderWidth="0dp" didn't work. What about adding updated support library. ?? any luck ?

kevindesai777 commented 9 years ago

I'll give it a try. Will submit a pull request if it works!

jaydeepw commented 9 years ago

@nimitsolanki I tried that the day it was released, no change!!

nimitsolanki commented 9 years ago

@jaydeepw and @kevindesai777 Any suggestion for similar multiple image picker library ?

jaydeepw commented 9 years ago

@nimitsolanki you can check where I got inspiration from. I am not sure if they are being maintained or developer anymore. Why dont you just clone this repo and try to fix the issues you are having and also submit a PR. I am sure there is something minor that has been done wrong in this version.

nimitsolanki commented 9 years ago

Sure. I'll try to fix it and will submit a PR. Currently I'm running out of time, really want this kind of feature.