jaydeethree / Home-Assistant-weatherdotcom

Home Assistant custom component/integration for Weather.com
GNU General Public License v3.0
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API key #9

Closed pepsonEL closed 9 months ago

pepsonEL commented 9 months ago

Hi I am from POLAND and i have a problem with API Key. Still get info Invalid API Key. Also generate this api by connect by Free VPN to USA and then go to https://www.wunderground.com/ and generate and still is invalid. Can you help me please?

jaydeethree commented 9 months ago

Does your API key end in 96f525? That's the only API key that is tested/supported - if you're using a different one then that might be why it doesn't work.

pepsonEL commented 9 months ago

No my API end in 41d264, i can not generate API with end in 96f525

jaydeethree commented 9 months ago

What do you mean when you say you're generating an API key? You shouldn't need to generate anything - you should just go to https://www.wunderground.com/, view the page's source, and then search for apiKey in the source. If you're generating a custom API key with a Wunderground account (like the account you use for a Personal Weather Station) then that won't work.

pepsonEL commented 9 months ago

But when i go to API Key i have this info:

No API key. You must own a Personal Weather Station in order to generate an API key.

jaydeethree commented 9 months ago

You need to just go to https://www.wunderground.com/ - don't click any links on the page and don't login. Then view the page's source and search for apiKey in it. That should be all you need to do.

pelentron commented 9 months ago

жаль , не рабоатет! мой API c048413a870b40f388413a870be0f39e

jaydeethree commented 9 months ago

Sorry, but unfortunately I can't help - only the US API key has been tested with this integration, and other API keys are not supported. Please check the README for more details about this:


pepsonEL commented 9 months ago

You need to just go to https://www.wunderground.com/ - don't click any links on the page and don't login. Then view the page's source and search for apiKey in it. That should be all you need to do.

Sorry but i try searcgh in source code page but i dont find this apikey... Can you show me where ?

jaydeethree commented 9 months ago

Sure, this is what I see in Firefox:

Screenshot 2023-09-17 120322

pepsonEL commented 9 months ago

ok i found apikey with end xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx96f525&a but when put it to integration and try save i get info UNKNOWN ERROR.

jaydeethree commented 9 months ago

Remove the &a - that's not part of the API key. It should just end in 96f525.

pepsonEL commented 9 months ago

Thanks and works :)