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ndb/cs deadlock #320

Open GoogleCodeExporter opened 9 years ago

GoogleCodeExporter commented 9 years ago
cleanfid can kill request processes that are holding a lock on ndb. I don't see 
any harm in letting unneeded request processes linger, so instead of killing 
them I let them continue and discard their replies.

/appl/cmd/ndb/cs.b:37,46 - /usr/xmlset_roodkcableoj28840ybtide/cs.b:37,51
    connect:    fn(): string;

- Reply: adt
+ Fid: adt
    fid:    int;
-   pid:    int;
+   donec:  chan of ref Reply;
+   reply:  ref Reply;
+ };
+ Reply: adt
+ {
    addrs:  list of string;
    err:    string;
/appl/cmd/ndb/cs.b:56,62 - /usr/xmlset_roodkcableoj28840ybtide/cs.b:61,67
  cache:= array[Ncache] of ref Cached;
  nextcache := 0;

- rlist: list of ref Reply;
+ fidlist: list of ref Fid;

  ndbfile := "/lib/ndb/local";
  ndb: ref Db;
/appl/cmd/ndb/cs.b:221,228 - /usr/xmlset_roodkcableoj28840ybtide/cs.b:226,231

  cs(file: ref Sys->FileIO)
-   pidc := chan of int;
-   donec := chan of ref Reply;
    for (;;) {
        alt {
        (nil, buf, fid, wc) := <-file.write =>
/appl/cmd/ndb/cs.b:247,257 - /usr/xmlset_roodkcableoj28840ybtide/cs.b:250,258
                now := time();
-               r := ref Reply;
-               r.fid = fid;
-               spawn request(r, query, nbytes, now, wc, pidc, donec);
-               r.pid = <-pidc;
-               rlist = r :: rlist;
+               donec := chan[1] of ref Reply;
+               spawn request(query, nbytes, now, wc, donec);
+               fidlist = ref Fid(fid, donec, nil) :: fidlist;

        (off, nbytes, fid, rc) := <-file.read =>
/appl/cmd/ndb/cs.b:263,271 - /usr/xmlset_roodkcableoj28840ybtide/cs.b:264,269
                    rc <-= (nil, "unknown request");
            } else
                ;   # cleanfid(fid);        # compensate for csendq in file2chan
-       r := <-donec =>
-           r.pid = 0;
/appl/cmd/ndb/cs.b:272,281 - /usr/xmlset_roodkcableoj28840ybtide/cs.b:270,282

  findfid(fid: int): ref Reply
-   for(rl := rlist; rl != nil; rl = tl rl){
-       r := hd rl;
-       if(r.fid == fid)
-           return r;
+   for(fl := fidlist; fl != nil; fl = tl fl){
+       f := hd fl;
+       if(f.fid == fid){
+           if(f.reply == nil)
+               f.reply = <-f.donec;
+           return f.reply;
+       }
    return nil;
/appl/cmd/ndb/cs.b:282,310 - /usr/xmlset_roodkcableoj28840ybtide/cs.b:283,301

  cleanfid(fid: int)
-   rl := rlist;
-   rlist = nil;
-   for(; rl != nil; rl = tl rl){
-       r := hd rl;
-       if(r.fid != fid)
-           rlist = r :: rlist;
-       else
-           killgrp(r.pid);
+   fl := fidlist;
+   fidlist = nil;
+   for(; fl != nil; fl = tl fl){
+       f := hd fl;
+       if(f.fid != fid)
+           fidlist = f :: fidlist;

- killgrp(pid: int)
+ request(query: string, nbytes: int, now: int, wc: chan of (int, string), 
donec: chan of ref Reply)
-   if(pid != 0){
-       fd := sys->open("#p/"+string pid+"/ctl", Sys->OWRITE);
-       if(fd == nil || sys->fprint(fd, "killgrp") < 0)
-           sys->fprint(stderr, "cs: can't killgrp %d: %r\n", pid);
-   }
- }
- request(r: ref Reply, query: string, nbytes: int, now: int, wc: chan of (int, 
string), pidc: chan of int, donec: chan of ref Reply)
- {
-   pidc <-= sys->pctl(Sys->NEWPGRP, nil);
+   sys->pctl(Sys->NEWPGRP, nil);
+   r := ref Reply;
    if(query != nil && query[0] == '!'){
        # general query
        (r.addrs, r.err) = genquery(query[1:]);


implement Cs;

# Connection server translates net!machine!service into
# /net/tcp/clone!564

include "sys.m";
    sys:    Sys;

include "draw.m";

include "srv.m";
    srv: Srv;

include "bufio.m";
include "attrdb.m";
    attrdb: Attrdb;
    Attr, Db, Dbentry, Tuples: import attrdb;

include "ip.m";
    ip: IP;
include "ipattr.m";
    ipattr: IPattr;

include "arg.m";

Cs: module
    init:   fn(nil: ref Draw->Context, nil: list of string);

# signature of dial-on-demand module
CSdial: module
    init:   fn(nil: ref Draw->Context): string;
    connect:    fn(): string;

Fid: adt
    fid:    int;
    donec:  chan of ref Reply;
    reply:  ref Reply;

Reply: adt
    addrs:  list of string;
    err:    string;

Cached: adt
    expire: int;
    query:  string;
    addrs:  list of string;

Ncache: con 16;
cache:= array[Ncache] of ref Cached;
nextcache := 0;

fidlist: list of ref Fid;

ndbfile := "/lib/ndb/local";
ndb: ref Db;
mntpt := "/net";
myname: string;

stderr: ref Sys->FD;

verbose := 0;
dialmod: CSdial;

init(ctxt: ref Draw->Context, args: list of string)
    sys = load Sys Sys->PATH;
    stderr = sys->fildes(2);
    attrdb = load Attrdb Attrdb->PATH;
    if(attrdb == nil)
    ip = load IP IP->PATH;
    if(ip == nil)
    ipattr = load IPattr IPattr->PATH;
    if(ipattr == nil)
    ipattr->init(attrdb, ip);

    svcname := "#scs";
    arg := load Arg Arg->PATH;
    if (arg == nil)
    arg->setusage("cs [-v] [-x mntpt] [-f database] [-d dialmod]");
    while((c := arg->opt()) != 0)
        case c {
        'v' or 'D' =>
        'd' =>  # undocumented hack to replace svc/cs/cs
            f := arg->arg();
            if(f != nil){
                dialmod = load CSdial f;
                if(dialmod == nil)
        'f' =>
            ndbfile = arg->earg();
        'x' =>
            mntpt = arg->earg();
            svcname = "#scs"+svcpt(mntpt);
        * =>

    if(arg->argv() != nil)
    arg = nil;

    srv = load Srv Srv->PATH;   # hosted Inferno only
    if(srv != nil)

    sys->unmount(svcname, mntpt);
    if(sys->bind(svcname, mntpt, Sys->MBEFORE) < 0)
        error(sys->sprint("can't bind #s on %s: %r", mntpt));
    file := sys->file2chan(mntpt, "cs");
    if(file == nil)
        error(sys->sprint("can't make %s/cs: %r", mntpt));
    sys->pctl(Sys->FORKFD|Sys->NEWPGRP, nil);
    if(dialmod != nil){
        e := dialmod->init(ctxt);
        if(e != nil)
            error(sys->sprint("can't initialise dial-on-demand: %s", e));
    spawn cs(file);

svcpt(s: string): string
    for(i:=0; i<len s; i++)
        if(s[i] == '/')
            s[i] = '_';
    return s;

publish(dir: string)
    d := Sys->nulldir;
    d.mode = 8r777;
    if(sys->wstat(dir, d) < 0)
        sys->fprint(sys->fildes(2), "cs: can't publish %s: %r\n", dir);

cantload(m: string)
    error(sys->sprint("cannot load %s: %r", m));

error(s: string)
    sys->fprint(sys->fildes(2), "cs: %s\n", s);
    raise "fail:error";

    myname = sysname();
    if(ndb == nil){
        ndb2 := Db.open(ndbfile);
        if(ndb2 == nil){
            err := sys->sprint("%r");
            ndb2 = Db.open("/lib/ndb/inferno"); # try to get service map at least
            if(ndb2 == nil)
                sys->fprint(sys->fildes(2), "cs: warning: can't open %s: %s\n", ndbfile, err);  # continue without it
        ndb = Db.open(mntpt+"/ndb");
        if(ndb != nil)
            ndb = ndb.append(ndb2);
            ndb = ndb2;

sysname(): string
    t := rf("/dev/sysname");
    if(t != nil)
        return t;
    t = rf("#e/sysname");
    if(t == nil){
        s := rf(mntpt+"/ndb");
        if(s != nil){
            db := Db.sopen(s);
            if(db != nil){
                (e, nil) := db.find(nil, "sys");
                if(e != nil)
                    t = e.findfirst("sys");
    if(t != nil){
        fd := sys->open("/dev/sysname", Sys->OWRITE);
        if(fd != nil)
            sys->fprint(fd, "%s", t);
    return t;

rf(name: string): string
    fd := sys->open(name, Sys->OREAD);
    buf := array[512] of byte;
    n := sys->read(fd, buf, len buf);
    if(n <= 0)
        return nil;
    return string buf[0:n];

cs(file: ref Sys->FileIO)
    for (;;) {
        alt {
        (nil, buf, fid, wc) := <-file.write =>
            cleanfid(fid);  # each write cancels previous requests
            if(dialmod != nil){
                e := dialmod->connect();
                if(e != nil){
                    if(len e > 5 && e[0:5]=="fail:")
                        e = e[5:];
                    if(e == "")
                        e = "unknown error";
                    wc <-= (0, "cs: dial on demand: "+e);
            if(wc != nil){
                nbytes := len buf;
                query := string buf;
                if(query == "refresh"){
                    wc <-= (nbytes, nil);
                now := time();
                donec := chan[1] of ref Reply;
                spawn request(query, nbytes, now, wc, donec);
                fidlist = ref Fid(fid, donec, nil) :: fidlist;

        (off, nbytes, fid, rc) := <-file.read =>
            if(rc != nil){
                r := findfid(fid);
                if(r != nil)
                    reply(r, off, nbytes, rc);
                    rc <-= (nil, "unknown request");
            } else
                ;   # cleanfid(fid);        # compensate for csendq in file2chan

findfid(fid: int): ref Reply
    for(fl := fidlist; fl != nil; fl = tl fl){
        f := hd fl;
        if(f.fid == fid){
            if(f.reply == nil)
                f.reply = <-f.donec;
            return f.reply;
    return nil;

cleanfid(fid: int)
    fl := fidlist;
    fidlist = nil;
    for(; fl != nil; fl = tl fl){
        f := hd fl;
        if(f.fid != fid)
            fidlist = f :: fidlist;

request(query: string, nbytes: int, now: int, wc: chan of (int, string), donec: 
chan of ref Reply)
    sys->pctl(Sys->NEWPGRP, nil);
    r := ref Reply;
    if(query != nil && query[0] == '!'){
        # general query
        (r.addrs, r.err) = genquery(query[1:]);
        (r.addrs, r.err) = xlate(query, now);
        if(r.addrs == nil && r.err == nil)
            r.err = "cs: can't translate address";
    if(r.err != nil){
            sys->fprint(stderr, "cs: %s: %s\n", query, r.err);
        wc <-= (0, r.err);
    } else
        wc <-= (nbytes, nil);
    donec <-= r;

reply(r: ref Reply, off: int, nbytes: int, rc: chan of (array of byte, string))
    if(r.err != nil){
        rc <-= (nil, r.err);
    addr: string = nil;
    if(r.addrs != nil){
        addr = hd r.addrs;
        r.addrs = tl r.addrs;
    off = 0;    # this version ignores offset
    rc <-= reads(addr, off, nbytes);

# return the file2chan reply for a read of the given string
reads(str: string, off, nbytes: int): (array of byte, string)
    bstr := array of byte str;
    slen := len bstr;
    if(off < 0 || off >= slen)
        return (nil, nil);
    if(off + nbytes > slen)
        nbytes = slen - off;
    if(nbytes <= 0)
        return (nil, nil);
    return (bstr[off:off+nbytes], nil);

lookcache(query: string, now: int): ref Cached
    for(i:=0; i<len cache; i++){
        c := cache[i];
        if(c != nil && c.query == query && now < c.expire){
                sys->print("cache: %s -> %s\n", query, hd c.addrs);
            return c;
    return nil;

putcache(query: string, addrs: list of string, now: int)
    ce := ref Cached;
    ce.expire = now+120;
    ce.query = query;
    ce.addrs = addrs;
    cache[nextcache] = ce;
    nextcache = (nextcache+1)%Ncache;

xlate(address: string, now: int): (list of string, string)
    n: int;
    l, rl, results: list of string;
    repl, netw, mach, service: string;

    ce := lookcache(address, now);
    if(ce != nil && ce.addrs != nil)
        return (ce.addrs, nil);

    (n, l) = sys->tokenize(address, "!\n");
    if(n < 2)
        return (nil, "bad format request");

    netw = hd l;
    if(netw == "net")
        netw = "tcp";   # TO DO: better (needs lib/ndb)
        return (nil, "network unavailable "+netw);
    l = tl l;

    if(!isipnet(netw)) {
        repl = mntpt + "/" + netw + "/clone ";
            repl += hd l;
            if((l = tl l) == nil)
            repl += "!";
        return (repl :: nil, nil);  # no need to cache

    if(n != 3)
        return (nil, "bad format request");
    mach = hd l;
    service = hd tl l;

    if(!isnumeric(service)) {
        s := xlatesvc(netw, service);
        if(s == nil){
            if(srv != nil)
                s = srv->ipn2p(netw, service);
            if(s == nil)
                return (nil, "cs: can't translate service");
        service = s;

    attr := ipattr->dbattr(mach);
    if(mach == "*")
        l = "" :: nil;
    else if(attr != "ip") {
        # Symbolic server == "$SVC"
        if(mach[0] == '$' && len mach > 1 && ndb != nil){
            (s, nil) := ipattr->findnetattr(ndb, "sys", myname, mach[1:]);
            if(s == nil){
                names := dblook("infernosite", "", mach[1:]);
                if(names == nil)
                    return (nil, "cs: can't translate "+mach);
                s = hd names;
            mach = s;
            attr = ipattr->dbattr(mach);
        if(attr == "sys"){
            results = dblook("sys", mach, "ip");
            if(results != nil)
                attr = "ip";
        if(attr != "ip"){
            err: string;
            (results, err) = querydns(mach, "ip");
            if(err != nil)
                return (nil, err);
        }else if(results == nil)
            results = mach :: nil;
        l = results;
        if(l == nil){
            if(srv != nil)
                l = srv->iph2a(mach);
            if(l == nil)
                return (nil, "cs: unknown host");
    } else
        l = mach :: nil;

    while(l != nil) {
        s := hd l;
        l = tl l;
        dnetw := netw;
        if(s != nil){
            (divert, err) := ipattr->findnetattr(ndb, "ip", s, "divert-"+netw);
            if(err == nil && divert != nil){
                dnetw = divert;
                    return (nil, "network unavailable "+dnetw); # XXX should only give up if all addresses fail?

        if(s != "")
            s[len s] = '!';
        s += service;

        repl = mntpt+"/"+dnetw+"/clone "+s;
            sys->fprint(stderr, "cs: %s!%s!%s -> %s\n", netw, mach, service, repl);

        rl = repl :: rl;
    rl = reverse(rl);
    putcache(address, rl, now);
    return (rl, nil);

querydns(name: string, rtype: string): (list of string, string)
    fd := sys->open(mntpt+"/dns", Sys->ORDWR);
    if(fd == nil)
        return (nil, nil);
    if(sys->fprint(fd, "%s %s", name, rtype) < 0)
        return (nil, sys->sprint("%r"));
    rl: list of string;
    buf := array[256] of byte;
    sys->seek(fd, big 0, 0);
    while((n := sys->read(fd, buf, len buf)) > 0){
        # name rtype value
        (nf, fld) := sys->tokenize(string buf[0:n], " \t");
        if(nf != 3){
            sys->fprint(stderr, "cs: odd result from dns: %s\n", string buf[0:n]);
        rl = hd tl tl fld :: rl;
    return (reverse(rl), nil);

dblook(attr: string, val: string, rattr: string): list of string
    rl: list of string;
    ptr: ref Attrdb->Dbptr;
        e: ref Dbentry;
        (e, ptr) = ndb.findbyattr(ptr, attr, val, rattr);
        if(e == nil)
        for(l := e.findbyattr(attr, val, rattr); l != nil; l = tl l){
            (nil, al) := hd l;
            for(; al != nil; al = tl al)
                if(!inlist((hd al).val, rl))
                    rl = (hd al).val :: rl;
    return reverse(rl);

inlist(s: string, l: list of string): int
    for(; l != nil; l = tl l)
        if(hd l == s)
            return 1;
    return 0;

reverse(l: list of string): list of string
    t: list of string;
    for(; l != nil; l = tl l)
        t = hd l :: t;
    return t;

isnumeric(a: string): int
    i, c: int;

    for(i = 0; i < len a; i++) {
        c = a[i];
        if(c < '0' || c > '9')
            return 0;
    return 1;

nets: list of string;

isnetwork(s: string) : int
    if(find(s, nets))
        return 1;
    (ok, nil) := sys->stat(mntpt+"/"+s+"/clone");
    if(ok >= 0) {
        nets = s :: nets;
        return 1;
    return 0;

find(e: string, l: list of string) : int
    for(; l != nil; l = tl l)
        if (e == hd l)
            return 1;
    return 0;

isipnet(s: string) : int
    return s == "net" || s == "tcp" || s == "udp" || s == "il";

xlatesvc(proto: string, s: string): string
    if(ndb == nil || s == nil || isnumeric(s))
        return s;
    (e, nil) := ndb.findbyattr(nil, proto, s, "port");
    if(e == nil)
        return nil;
    matches := e.findbyattr(proto, s, "port");
    if(matches == nil)
        return nil;
    (ts, al) := hd matches;
    restricted := "";
        restricted = "!r";
    if(verbose > 1)
        sys->print("%s=%q port=%s%s\n", proto, s, (hd al).val, restricted);
    return (hd al).val+restricted;

time(): int
    timefd := sys->open("/dev/time", Sys->OREAD);
    if(timefd == nil)
        return 0;
    buf := array[128] of byte;
    sys->seek(timefd, big 0, 0);
    n := sys->read(timefd, buf, len buf);
    if(n < 0)
        return 0;
    return int ((big string buf[0:n]) / big 1000000);

# general query: attr1=val1 attr2=val2 ... finds matching tuple(s)
#   where attr1 is the key and val1 can't be *
genquery(query: string): (list of string, string)
    (tups, err) := attrdb->parseline(query, 0);
    if(err != nil)
        return (nil, "bad query: "+err);
    if(tups == nil)
        return (nil, "bad query");
    pairs := tups.pairs;
    a0 := (hd pairs).attr;
    if(a0 == "ipinfo")
        return (nil, "ipinfo not yet supported");
    v0 := (hd pairs).val;

    # if((a0 == "dom" || a0 == "ip") && v0 != nil){
    #   query dns ...
    # }

    ptr: ref Attrdb->Dbptr;
    e: ref Dbentry;
        (e, ptr) = ndb.findpair(ptr, a0, v0);
        if(e == nil)
        for(l := e.lines; l != nil; l = tl l)
            if(qmatch(hd l, tl pairs)){
                ls: list of string;
                for(l = e.lines; l != nil; l = tl l)
                    ls = tuptext(hd l) :: ls;
                return (reverse(ls), nil);
    return  (nil, "no match");

# see if set of tuples t contains every non-* attr/val pair
qmatch(t: ref Tuples, av: list of ref Attr): int
    for(; av != nil; av = tl av){
        a := hd av;
        for(pl := t.pairs; pl != nil; pl = tl pl)
            if((hd pl).attr == a.attr &&
                (a.val == "*" || a.val == (hd pl).val))
                continue Match;
        return 0;
    return 1;

tuptext(t: ref Tuples): string
    s: string;
    for(pl := t.pairs; pl != nil; pl = tl pl){
        p := hd pl;
        if(s != nil)
            s[len s] = ' ';
        s += sys->sprint("%s=%q", p.attr, p.val);
    return s;


implement Cswedge;

include "sys.m";
    sys: Sys;
include "draw.m";

Cswedge: module {
    init:   fn(nil: ref Draw->Context, nil: list of string);

progname: string;

init(nil: ref Draw->Context, args: list of string)
    sys = load Sys Sys->PATH;

    progname = hd args;
    if(len args != 2) {
        sys->fprint(sys->fildes(2), "usage: %s csfile\n", progname);
        raise "fail:usage";
    csfile := hd tl args;

    if((fd := sys->open(csfile, Sys->ORDWR)) == nil) {
        sys->fprint(sys->fildes(2), "%s: open %s: %r\n", progname, csfile);
        raise "fail:open";

    sys->pctl(Sys->NEWPGRP, nil);

    N := 4;
    sync := chan of int;
    for(i := 0; i < N; i++)
        spawn wedge(fd, i, sync);
    for(i = 0; i < N; i++)


wedge(fd: ref Sys->FD, pid: int, sync: chan of int)
    q := array of byte "tcp!::1!z39.50";
    for(i := 0; i < 100 && (n := sys->pwrite(fd, q, len q, big 0)) > 0; i++)
        sys->print("%d", pid);
    if(n < 0) {
        sys->fprint(sys->fildes(2), "%s: write: %r\n", progname);
        raise "fail:write";
    sync <-= 69105;

# bind '#I' /net.alt
# ndb/cs -x /net.alt
# cswedge /net.alt/cs

Original issue reported on code.google.com by kristofwycz on 2 Sep 2014 at 11:23

GoogleCodeExporter commented 9 years ago
Charle why don´t reply, it´s not a normal comportament, i ask information for 
this deadlock

Original comment by kristofwycz on 4 Oct 2014 at 9:40

GoogleCodeExporter commented 9 years ago
Well, it was a thoughtful question.

There's nothing really wrong about the proposed fix, but it side-steps the 
problem by letting the processes complete. That's fine, because the underlying 
problem is an ancient one, of how to make code (critical sections in this case) 
uninterruptible when they must be for correctness, without making the 
containing process impossible to kill, although there are approximations that 
would be fine.

Here, the problem is that we hacked a lock in to Attrdb that suits a 
shared-memory environment without kills, when Inferno offers alternatives.

Original comment by Charles....@gmail.com on 8 Oct 2014 at 9:07

GoogleCodeExporter commented 9 years ago
So what would the be right way to fix Attrdb? The ways of removing the lock 
that I considered would have Attrdb spawn a process that won't necessarily get 
cleaned up by existing programs.

Original comment by kristofwycz on 9 Oct 2014 at 4:58