jayeshdesai4520 / chatbot-ng-internal

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Solve problems of interaction #43

Open anbo-de opened 3 years ago

anbo-de commented 3 years ago

The test cases are reflected in the new test script and automatically executable test configurations.

In the following, the output of the test script is shown. Thereafter, additional observations are defined as requirements.

There might also be errors in the test configurations. Please correct them directly in the JSON files (c.f., https://github.com/dbpedia/chatbot-ng/tree/main/test-interactions/test-cases)



test-cases/profile-story.json -- 1. testcase: add QAnswerQueryBuilderAndExecutor to profile xyz
        DESCRIPTION: Add a component to the profile.
        intent not correctly recognized: expected='Activate profile component' received='Activate component Intent'
        fulfillment_messages->text expected to be available, however the result does NOT contain a text.
        There are 1 RegEx defined, but no text was available in the received message.


test-cases/profile-story.json -- 2. testcase: show components of profile xyz
        DESCRIPTION: The number of components are shown as text. Below, the list of components will be shown as table (rich element).
        intent not correctly recognized: expected='Show component list Intent' received='Component information from profile'
        The RegEx '1\s+component' could not be match on the text 'profile xyz does not exists, to create new profile you can say 'create profile and then profile name' like create profile country'.
        fulfillment_messages->richContent expected to be available, however the result does NOT contain a rich content.

test-cases/profile-story.json -- 11. testcase: show components of profile xyz
        DESCRIPTION: The number of components are shown as text. Below, the list of components will be shown as table (rich element).
        intent not correctly recognized: expected='Show component list Intent' received='Component information from profile'
        The RegEx '2\s+components' could not be match on the text 'profile xyz does not exists, to create new profile you can say 'create profile and then profile name' like create profile country'.
        fulfillment_messages->richContent expected to be available, however the result does NOT contain a rich content.


test-cases/profile-story.json -- 3. testcase: What is the capital of Germany?
        DESCRIPTION: The used component should be capable to compute a table of results (rich element).
        intent not correctly recognized: expected='Ask Qanary Intent' received='Default Fallback Intent'
        fulfillment_messages->richContent expected to be available, however the result does NOT contain a rich content.

test-cases/profile-story.json -- 9. testcase: What is the capital of France?
        DESCRIPTION: The configured profile should be capable of answering a question.
        intent not correctly recognized: expected='Ask Qanary Intent' received='Default Fallback Intent'
        fulfillment_messages->text expected to be NOT available, however the result does contain a text.


test-cases/profile-story.json -- 5. testcase: remove all components from the profile xyz.
        DESCRIPTION: Remove the one component from the profile with the name xyz.
        intent not correctly recognized: expected='TODO' received='Empty component list'
        The RegEx 'removed' could not be match on the text 'Components list are now empty.'.
        1 parameters expected in the Dialogflow response, however, 0 parameters were computed.


test-cases/profile-story.json -- 7. testcase: add NED DBpedia-Spotlight to profile xyz
        DESCRIPTION: Add a first component to the profile.
        intent not correctly recognized: expected='Activate profile component' received='Activate component Intent'

test-cases/profile-story.json -- 8. testcase: add QAnswerQueryBuilderAndExecutor to profile xyz
        DESCRIPTION: Add a second component to the profile.
        intent not correctly recognized: expected='Activate profile component' received='Activate component Intent'


test-cases/profile-story.json -- 12. testcase: delete profile xyz
        DESCRIPTION: Delete the whole profile. The response is just a text informing about that the deletion was done.
        intent not correctly recognized: expected='TODO' received='Empty component list'
        The RegEx 'deleted' could not be match on the text 'Components list are now empty.'.
        1 parameters expected in the Dialogflow response, however, 0 parameters were computed.


test-cases/basic-test-cases.json -- 4. testcase: show available components
        DESCRIPTION: After asking for available components there should be a text response giving the number of available components, followed by the table of components (rich element).
        intent not correctly recognized: expected='Show component list Intent' received='Component information from profile'
        The RegEx 'components' could not be match on the text ' does not exists, to create new profile you can say 'create profile and then profile name' like create profile country'.
        fulfillment_messages->richContent expected to be available, however the result does NOT contain a rich content.

test-cases/basic-test-cases.json -- 4. testcase: what components are available?
        DESCRIPTION: After asking for available components there should be a text response giving the number of available components, followed by the table of components (rich element).
        intent not correctly recognized: expected='Show component list Intent' received='Active Qanary components'
        fulfillment_messages->richContent expected to be available, however the result does NOT contain a rich content.



jayeshdesai4520 commented 3 years ago

@anbo-de Hi, I am currently working on the other issue I will update you about this in 1-2 days.

jayeshdesai4520 commented 3 years ago

@anbo-de now I am able to run the test script and I am trying to resolve the issues

jayeshdesai4520 commented 3 years ago

uploaded new logo - https://imgur.com/7JIkyuC.png