jayjun / rambo

Run your command. Send input. Get output.
MIT License
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Is Rambo incompatible with escript? #14

Open mmower opened 3 years ago

mmower commented 3 years ago

I'm trying to use Rambo from a CLI tool built using MIX_ENV=prod mix escript.build.

The problem I am having is an error thrown from inside Rambo, see: https://gist.github.com/mmower/caea6d7b0f669a24f4f8ac01c8609a53

Note that the code works fine when run interactively via IEx.

Digging in a little the error seems to arise from:

def find_rambo do
  Path.join(:code.priv_dir(:rambo), @filename)

There's a whole load of stuff going on in compile_rambo.ex that I don't understand, but it looks like it builds the shim binary Rambo uses for handling input termination. Based on what I read I think the problem may be that the :priv folder isn't included in escript builds.

Anyway, something about this isn't seeming very happy in the escript context.

Can you help me, please?


mmower commented 3 years ago

Further to the above, I have found in the documentation:


Note: escripts do not support projects and dependencies that need to store or read artifacts from the priv directory.

Unfortunately, Rambo's use of the priv folder means it can't be used with any application intended to be compiled to an escript.