jayli / vim-easycomplete

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:EasyCompleteReference no result #205

Open aihuasxy opened 2 years ago

aihuasxy commented 2 years ago

pyls LSP EasyCompleteGotoDefinition is OK

jayli commented 2 years ago

Any more hints? Your repos and vim version etc....

aihuasxy commented 2 years ago

no repos , privacy code.

vim version:

~ $ vim --version 17:55:17 NVIM v0.6.1 Build type: RelWithDebInfo LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta3

pls tell me how to debug this problem. where is the log? I can do it myself.

jayli commented 2 years ago

You update vim-easycomplete and I do some log print in '~/.config/vim-easycomplete/errlog'

YunPengYue commented 1 year ago

i have same issue , this is errlog, but i don't know where you need.

----- Easycomplete Errlog ------ 2023 Mar 01 14:11:57 main.cpp [LOG] {"response":{"data":{"__data__":"vim-lsp","lsp_id":1,"server_name":"clangd"},"message":"started lsp server successfully"}} 2023 Mar 01 14:11:57 main.cpp LSP job start 1 2023 Mar 01 14:11:57 main.cpp [LOG] Starting server clangd ["clangd"] 2023 Mar 01 14:11:57 main.cpp [LOG] s:on_text_document_did_open() 1 cpp /home/yunpeng/C++/Step1 file:///home/yunpeng/C%2B%2B/Step1/main.cpp 2023 Mar 01 14:11:57 main.cpp [LOG] easycomplete#lsp#register_server server registered clangd 2023 Mar 01 14:11:57 main.cpp [LOG] Easycomplete Startup /home/yunpeng/C++/Step1/main.cpp 2023 Mar 01 14:11:57 main.cpp [ERR] notification <---(stderr) 1 clangd ["I[14:11:57.570] clangd version 15.0.6 (https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project 088f33605d8a61ff519c580a71b1dd57d16a03f8)","I[14:11:57.571] Features: linux+grpc","I[14:11:57.571] PID: 2740","I[14:11:57.571] Working directory: /home/yunpeng/C++/Step1",""] 2023 Mar 01 14:11:57 main.cpp [ERR] notification <---(stderr) 1 clangd ["I[14:11:57.571] argv[0]: clangd","I[14:11:57.571] Starting LSP over stdin/stdout","I[14:11:57.571] <-- initialize(1)",""] 2023 Mar 01 14:11:57 main.cpp [ERR] notification <---(stderr) 1 clangd ["I[14:11:57.572] --> reply:initialize(1) 0 ms",""] 2023 Mar 01 14:11:57 main.cpp [ERR] {"response":{"data":{"path":"file:///home/yunpeng/C%2B%2B/Step1/main.cpp","__data__":"vim-lsp","server_name":"clangd"},"message":"not dirty"}} 2023 Mar 01 14:11:57 main.cpp [LOG] notification ---> 1 clangd 2023 Mar 01 14:11:57 main.cpp [LOG] s:update_file_content() 1 2023 Mar 01 14:11:57 main.cpp [LOG] {"response":{"data":{"__data__":"vim-lsp","server_name":"clangd"},"message":"configuration sent"}} 2023 Mar 01 14:11:57 main.cpp [LOG] notification ---> 1 clangd 2023 Mar 01 14:11:57 main.cpp [LOG] lsp response <--- 1 clangd 2023 Mar 01 14:11:57 main.cpp [ERR] notification <---(stderr) 1 clangd ["I[14:11:57.572] <-- initialized","I[14:11:57.573] <-- textDocument/didOpen","I[14:11:57.574] Loaded compilation database from /home/yunpeng/C++/Step1/compile_commands.json","I[14:11:57.574] ASTWorker building file /home/yunpeng/C++/Step1/main.cpp version 1 with command ","[/home/yunpeng/C++/Step1]","/usr/bin/c++ --driver-mode=g++ -Wall -std=c++11 -o CMakeFiles/main.dir/main.cpp.o -c -resource-dir=/usr/local/src/clangd_15.0.6/lib/clang/15.0.6 -- /home/yunpeng/C++/Step1/main.cpp","I[14:11:57.574] Enqueueing 2 commands for indexing",""] 2023 Mar 01 14:11:57 main.cpp [ERR] notification <---(stderr) 1 clangd ["I[14:11:57.840] --> textDocument/publishDiagnostics",""] 2023 Mar 01 14:11:57 main.cpp [LOG] lsp response <--- 1 clangd 2023 Mar 01 14:11:59 main.cpp [ERR] {"response":{"data":{"path":"file:///home/yunpeng/C%2B%2B/Step1/main.cpp","__data__":"vim-lsp","server_name":"clangd"},"message":"not dirty"}} 2023 Mar 01 14:11:59 main.cpp [LOG] {"response":{"data":{"__data__":"vim-lsp","server_name":"clangd"},"message":"configuration sent"}} 2023 Mar 01 14:12:04 main.cpp [ERR] notification <---(stderr) 1 clangd ["I[14:12:04.638] <-- textDocument/references(2)",""] 2023 Mar 01 14:12:04 main.cpp [LOG] reference request {"uri":"file:///home/yunpeng/C%2B%2B/Step1/main.cpp"} {"character":12,"line":35} 2023 Mar 01 14:12:04 main.cpp [ERR] {"response":{"data":{"path":"file:///home/yunpeng/C%2B%2B/Step1/main.cpp","__data__":"vim-lsp","server_name":"clangd"},"message":"not dirty"}} 2023 Mar 01 14:12:04 main.cpp [LOG] {"response":{"data":{"__data__":"vim-lsp","server_name":"clangd"},"message":"configuration sent"}} 2023 Mar 01 14:12:04 main.cpp [ERR] notification <---(stderr) 1 clangd ["I[14:12:04.641] --> reply:textDocument/references(2) 2 ms",""] 2023 Mar 01 14:12:04 main.cpp [ERR] s:on_stdout client request on_notification() error Vim(let):E484: Can't open file /home/yunpeng/C%2B%2B/Step1/main.cpp function <SNR>51_out_cb[2]..<SNR>50_on_stdout[79]..<SNR>43_request_on_notification[3]..<SNR>44_createNext[1]..<SNR>44_subscribeSourceCallback[2]..<lambda>47[1]..<SNR>55_HandleLspCallback[24]..<SNR>55_GetFileContext, line 1 2023 Mar 01 14:12:04 main.cpp [LOG] lsp response <--- 1 clangd