jaym878 / SNR-Feasibility-Study

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Small Bugs #5

Open jaym878 opened 6 years ago

jaym878 commented 6 years ago

I have a couple of bugs in my code right now and I was wondering if you could have a look.

  1. I implemented your plotting function on the cuts to get the grid and the axes using ra and dec. The bug is that the selected coordinates earlier are not the same as the centre of the cuts. I cant really tell why its doing this. image
  2. I'm trying to reference the hdu from the image files to save the cut and stacked images as new files and to pass the data in the required format to do the aperture photometry.

    fluxes = []
    im_name = []
    for i in my_image_files:
    with fits.open(i) as hdulist:
        header = hdulist[0].header
        data = hdulist[0].data
        hdu = datasets.load_spitzer_image()
        wcs = WCS(header)
        position = SkyCoord(test_src_coord[0] * u.degree, test_src_coord[1] * u.degree, frame='icrs')
        apertures = SkyCircularAperture(position, r=Rad[SNR] * u.arcsec)
        phot_table = aperture_photometry(hdu, apertures)
        converted_aperture_sum = (phot_table['aperture_sum'] * arc_pix)
PaddyKavanagh commented 6 years ago

For the first one, the WCS object you are passing to plot_image is not the same as the WCS object in the cutout. The orginal WCS object is trimmed down by cutout2D and is in the .wcs attribute. Try:

plot_image(cutout.data, cutout.wcs, coords=test_src_coord)

For the second, is it that you are trying to recreate the format of hdu like in the example? I'm not sure of the exact format (what is the output of: print(hdulist.info) ) but you could try passing either hdulist or hdulist[0] in place if hdu.

jaym878 commented 6 years ago

The aperture photometry code I have is working, but its returning the aperture sum as a NaN value. The required input is the primary HDU and the aperture shape. It does return the correct position and aperture shape so the problem must be with the handling of the data from the HDU. I have attached the code below.

for i in my_image_files:
    with fits.open(i) as hdulist:
        r = Rad[SNR] * u.arcsec

        position = SkyCoord(test_src_coord[0] * u.degree, test_src_coord[1] * u.degree, frame='icrs')
        apertures = SkyCircularAperture(position, r=Rad[SNR] * u.arcsec)

        phot_table = aperture_photometry(hdulist[0], apertures)


The returned data is in the format:

 id      xcenter       ... aperture_sum
           pix         ...   MJy / sr  
--- ------------------ ... ------------
  1 1561.7809690335544 ...          nan
[<Quantity [nan] MJy / sr>]
PaddyKavanagh commented 6 years ago

There may be some NaNs in the data array. I downloaded a test image and found that aperture_photometry was also returned nan for me. I changed the NaNs to zeroes and it works fine:

for i in my_image_files: with fits.open(i) as hdulist:

    my_hdu = hdulist[0]
    my_hdu.data = np.nan_to_num(my_hdu.data)

    r = Rad[SNR] * u.arcsec

    position = SkyCoord(test_src_coord[0] * u.degree, test_src_coord[1] * u.degree, frame='icrs')
    apertures = SkyCircularAperture(position, r=r)

    phot_table = aperture_photometry(my_hdu, apertures)

PaddyKavanagh commented 6 years ago

Sorry, the syntax highlighting is a bit off in the last comment:

for i in my_image_files:
    with fits.open(i) as hdulist:

        my_hdu = hdulist[0]
        my_hdu.data = np.nan_to_num(my_hdu.data)

        r = Rad[SNR] * u.arcsec

        position = SkyCoord(test_src_coord[0] * u.degree, test_src_coord[1] * u.degree, frame='icrs')
        apertures = SkyCircularAperture(position, r=r)

        phot_table = aperture_photometry(my_hdu, apertures)

jaym878 commented 6 years ago

I've attached the flux calculation here. It might make it easier to read.

unit = flux * 23.5045
ap_ar = np.pi * Rad[SNR]**2
jan = unit * ap_ar
erg = jan * 10**-17
band_list = [3.6, 4.5, 5.8, 8.0, 24, 70, 160]
if wavelength == 3.6:
    band = 3.9-3.1
if wavelength == 4.5:
    band = 5.0-3.9
if wavelength == 5.8:
    band = 6.2-4.9
if wavelength == 8.0:
    band = 9.3-6.2
if wavelength == 24:
    band = 28-20
if wavelength == 70:
    band = 90-50
if wavelength == 160:
    band = 190-130
f = 300000000/band
fluxIR = erg * f
FluxIR = fluxIR[0]
PaddyKavanagh commented 6 years ago

You should convert the band list from micron to Hz before subtracting one from the other.

Also, in the current form, there is a factor of 1e-6 missing in: f = 300000000/band to convert micron to metre.

jaym878 commented 6 years ago

Current bug error

FileNotFoundError                         Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-1-4e176392aef4> in <module>()
     81 b = 8.0
     82 my_test = ImagePull(MCSNR, RA, DE, Rad, sensor, b)
---> 83 my_test.run()
     84 #for SNR in range(len(np.genfromtxt(open('SNR_list.csv', "r"), names=True, delimiter=',', dtype=None))):

/mnt/home_cr/murphyj/Desktop/Coding/astropull_pk.py in run(self)
    331         # Ap Phot Function
--> 332         flux = self.ap_phot(my_image_file, self.radius, test_src_coord, self.wavelength)
    334         print("Flux determined for {} in {}-{}:".format(self.name, self.sensor, self.wavelength))

/mnt/home_cr/murphyj/Desktop/Coding/astropull_pk.py in ap_phot(self, my_image_files, Rad, test_src_coord, wavelength)
    245             # load the file data, header, and wcs
--> 246             with fits.open(i) as hdulist:
    247                 my_hdu = hdulist[0]
    248                 my_hdu.data = np.nan_to_num(my_hdu.data)

~/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/astropy/io/fits/hdu/hdulist.py in fitsopen(name, mode, memmap, save_backup, cache, lazy_load_hdus, **kwargs)
    163     return HDUList.fromfile(name, mode, memmap, save_backup, cache,
--> 164                             lazy_load_hdus, **kwargs)

~/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/astropy/io/fits/hdu/hdulist.py in fromfile(cls, fileobj, mode, memmap, save_backup, cache, lazy_load_hdus, **kwargs)
    398         return cls._readfrom(fileobj=fileobj, mode=mode, memmap=memmap,
    399                              save_backup=save_backup, cache=cache,
--> 400                              lazy_load_hdus=lazy_load_hdus, **kwargs)
    402     @classmethod

~/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/astropy/io/fits/hdu/hdulist.py in _readfrom(cls, fileobj, data, mode, memmap, save_backup, cache, lazy_load_hdus, **kwargs)
    985             if not isinstance(fileobj, _File):
    986                 # instantiate a FITS file object (ffo)
--> 987                 fileobj = _File(fileobj, mode=mode, memmap=memmap, cache=cache)
    988             # The Astropy mode is determined by the _File initializer if the
    989             # supplied mode was None

~/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/astropy/utils/decorators.py in wrapper(*args, **kwargs)
    486                         # one with the name of the new argument to the function
    487                         kwargs[new_name[i]] = value
--> 488             return function(*args, **kwargs)
    490         return wrapper

~/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/astropy/io/fits/file.py in __init__(self, fileobj, mode, memmap, overwrite, cache)
    173             self._open_fileobj(fileobj, mode, overwrite)
    174         elif isinstance(fileobj, str):
--> 175             self._open_filename(fileobj, mode, overwrite)
    176         else:
    177             self._open_filelike(fileobj, mode, overwrite)

~/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/astropy/io/fits/file.py in _open_filename(self, filename, mode, overwrite)
    527         if not self._try_read_compressed(self.name, magic, mode, ext=ext):
--> 528             self._file = fileobj_open(self.name, IO_FITS_MODES[mode])
    529             self.close_on_error = True

~/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/astropy/io/fits/util.py in fileobj_open(filename, mode)
    386     """
--> 388     return open(filename, mode, buffering=0)

FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'J'
jaym878 commented 6 years ago

I have an error when applying the rectangular aperture.

TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-1-7d0ff050a681> in <module>()
    102             # Run image pull as object
    103             my_test = ImagePull(MCSNR, RA, DE, Rad, sensor, b)
--> 104             ret = my_test.run()
    105             FluxIR = ret[0]
    106             flux_lim = ret[1]

/mnt/home_cr/murphyj/Desktop/Coding/astropull.py in run(self)
    467         flux = self.ap_phot(my_image_file, self.radius, test_src_coord, self.wavelength)
--> 469         flux_lim = self.flux_arc(my_image_file, self.radius, test_src_coord, self.wavelength)
    471         return flux, flux_lim

/mnt/home_cr/murphyj/Desktop/Coding/astropull.py in flux_arc(self, my_image_files, Rad, test_src_coord, wavelength)
    399                 t4_pos = SkyCoord((test_src_coord[0] - y) * u.degree, (test_src_coord[1] - y) * u.degree, frame='icrs')
--> 401                 ap1 = SkyRectangularAperture((t1_pos, 60 * u.arcsec, 120 * u.arcsec, 0))
    402                 ap2 = SkyRectangularAperture((t1_pos, 60 * u.arcsec, 120 * u.arcsec, 0))
    403                 ap3 = SkyRectangularAperture((t1_pos, 60 * u.arcsec, 120 * u.arcsec, 0))

TypeError: __init__() missing 3 required positional arguments: 'w', 'h', and 'theta'

I define these values when calling the SkyRectangularAperture function but its asking to have them defined in the init() method. The code is uploaded on github and the error is in the flux arc method.

PaddyKavanagh commented 6 years ago

I think a pair of brackets need to be removed. Try:

ap1 = SkyRectangularAperture(t1_pos, 60 * u.arcsec, 120 * u.arcsec, theta=0.)
jaym878 commented 6 years ago

I ran the program for all SNRs and it worked for the first 12 then crashed and gave this error. I cant workout why it crashed on that SNR

ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-1-9967dbbdaba9> in <module>()
     99             # Run image pull as object
    100                 my_test = ImagePull(MCSNR, RA, DE, Rad, sensor, b)
--> 101                 ret = my_test.run()
    102                 FluxIR = ret[0]
    103                 flux_high = ret[1]

/mnt/home_cr/murphyj/Desktop/Coding/astropull.py in run(self)
    602         # Query Function
--> 603         self.query(test_src_coord, self.sensor, self.wavelength)
    605         # Cuts Function

/mnt/home_cr/murphyj/Desktop/Coding/astropull.py in query(self, test_src_coord, sensor, wavelength)
    167                 distance_check[n] = sep.value
--> 169             closest = np.argmin(distance_check)
    170             my_final_row = tbl[closest]
    171             url = my_final_row['accessUrl'].strip()

~/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/numpy/core/fromnumeric.py in argmin(a, axis, out)
   1067     """
-> 1068     return _wrapfunc(a, 'argmin', axis=axis, out=out)

~/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/numpy/core/fromnumeric.py in _wrapfunc(obj, method, *args, **kwds)
     50 def _wrapfunc(obj, method, *args, **kwds):
     51     try:
---> 52         return getattr(obj, method)(*args, **kwds)
     54     # An AttributeError occurs if the object does not have

ValueError: attempt to get argmin of an empty sequence
PaddyKavanagh commented 6 years ago

Looks to me like there is just no Spitzer data at that location which is causing the code to crash. Two options:

  1. delete that SNR line from the catalogue

  2. write in some check in astropull.query to skip the SNR if there is no data

Since we are a bit time constrained for your poster, I'd say just delete the row in the catalogue (and the first 12 successful rows) and run the rest.