jaymoulin / docker-google-cloudprint

Google Cloudprint Docker Image (Multiarch)
MIT License
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avahi-daemon not running #8

Closed dantebarba closed 5 years ago

dantebarba commented 5 years ago

I started the daemon with docker using the same command line from the readme.md. When I try to access any kind of option in the control panel I get 500 Server Error. I checked the logs and I saw this:

Unable to communicate with avahi-daemon: Daemon not running

I'm using Debian (open media vault).

Docker version 18.09.4, build d14af54 Kernel: 4.19.0-0.bpo.2-amd64 Connected printer is a Samsung SCX-4200.

jaymoulin commented 5 years ago

When I try to access any kind of option in the control panel I get 500 Server Error.

How did you perform this? Did you docker exec cloudprint configure open before trying to configure something?

dantebarba commented 5 years ago

Yes I did. Maybe it's because OMV is already running avahi on the host?.

PS: this image includes both CUPS and Google Cloud Print connector right?

jaymoulin commented 5 years ago

Docker purpose is to isolate so, no matter if avahi is running or not on the host. This repository provides fully working docker images and you don't have to do anything else than what's described in the README file.

How are you trying to configure your container?

dantebarba commented 5 years ago

I first tried using a docker-compose configuration based on your docker run line:

docker run -d --privileged --restart=always -v /dev/bus/usb:/dev/bus/usb -v "$HOME/.cloudprint/":/root --name cloudprint -e CUPS_USER_ADMIN=admin -e CUPS_USER_PASSWORD=password -p 631:631 jaymoulin/google-cloudprint

version: '2'

    image: jaymoulin/google-cloudprint
    container_name: cloudprint
    restart: unless-stopped
    privileged: true
      - /dev/bus/usb:/dev/bus/usb
      - ${CLOUDPRINT_CONFIG}/cups:/etc/cups
      - ${CLOUDPRINT_CONFIG}/credentials:/root
      CUPS_USER_ADMIN: admin
      - 631:631
      - "traefik.docker.network=main"
      - "traefik.enable=true"
      - "traefik.basic.frontend.rule=Host:printer.${DOMAIN_URL}"
      - "traefik.basic.port=631"
      - "traefik.basic.protocol=http"
      - main

    external: true

The container didn't start (it died exiting with code 0). So I removed the container and started using the readme line (docker run...). Container starts, control panel starts, but log shows avahi is not running.

jaymoulin commented 5 years ago

avahi is not required. It's only a service to provide DNS but you don't need it.

If your control panel starts, then you don't have any problem :)

dantebarba commented 5 years ago

Yes, but I'm getting 500 server error on every page.

  1. start the image:
root@papini:~# docker run -d --privileged --restart=always -v /dev/bus/usb:/dev/bus/usb -v "$HOME/.cloudprint/":/root --name cloudprint -e CUPS_USER_ADMIN=admin -e CUPS_USER_PASSWORD=password -p 631:631 jaymoulin/google-cloudprint
  1. Execute open config:
root@papini:~# docker exec cloudprint configure open
chpasswd: password for 'admin' changed
  1. Open CPanel

  2. Click on add printer, or any kind of hyperlink

Captura de pantalla 2019-05-26 a la(s) 13 58 57

jaymoulin commented 5 years ago

Cupds official documentations says it could be due to your rights (https://www.cups.org/doc/man-cupsd-logs.html)

Could you check your volumes are created with correct rights? (cups user in this docker image is root by default)

dantebarba commented 5 years ago

Just one volume is created:

drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 May 26 13:11 .cloudprint

Rights look ok to me, owned by root and was created by the container, so container is running on root.

dantebarba commented 5 years ago

log shows the following:

E [26/May/2019:16:56:56 +0000] Unable to open listen socket for address [v1.::1]:631 - Address not available.
E [26/May/2019:16:58:08 +0000] Unable to communicate with avahi-daemon: Daemon not running
jaymoulin commented 5 years ago

Do you have a cupsd already running on your host?

dantebarba commented 5 years ago

Do you have a cupsd already running on your host?

Nope. cupsd is not running, not even installed

Any chance to start the container with debug, I feel the log is sort of empty.

jaymoulin commented 5 years ago

You can "connect" to the container the check what you want with docker exec -ti cloudprint sh. You'll probably find logs in /var/log/cups

dantebarba commented 5 years ago

I did,

/var/log/cups # cat error_log 
E [26/May/2019:17:08:34 +0000] Unable to open listen socket for address [v1.::1]:631 - Address not available.
E [26/May/2019:17:10:34 +0000] Unable to communicate with avahi-daemon: Daemon not running
dantebarba commented 5 years ago

Looks like something related to ipv6?.


jaymoulin commented 5 years ago

Your link is from 2014 and their clues are based on a previous revision (https://github.com/apple/cups/issues/4305). BTW, cupds configuration files in the docker image are set to use ipv4.

Could you try creating the container without the .cloudprint volume?

dantebarba commented 5 years ago

I'm sorry, but same issue :/

dantebarba commented 5 years ago

When I execute docker exec cloudprint configure open the container stops running, is that normal or something is not working correctly?. With the restart always flag I didn't noticed it, but now I deleted the flag and I have to manually start the container.

jaymoulin commented 5 years ago

When I execute docker exec cloudprint configure open the container stops running, is that normal or something is not working correctly?. With the restart always flag I didn't noticed it, but now I deleted the flag and I have to manually start the container.

It's the expected behaviour as cupds needs to be restarted to handle its new configuration

dantebarba commented 5 years ago

Okay, now:

  1. No volumes, not even /dev/bus/usb
  2. No --privileged flag

Same Internal server error.

dantebarba commented 5 years ago

Hmm, tested the image on my VPS server running Ubuntu 16.04 LTS and it's working. Obviously I don't have a printer there but CPanel loads ok.

So It's something with my local NAS that the container doesn't like. Unfortunately there is no log.

dantebarba commented 5 years ago

The log from the VPS it's exactly the same as from the NAS. The mystery deepens.

jaymoulin commented 5 years ago

Your VPS and your NAS must have different architectures and probably use different docker image. You should be able to determine this with this command : docker inspect cloudprint --format='{{index .Config.Labels.version}}'

dantebarba commented 5 years ago





dantebarba commented 5 years ago

Got it, using LogLevel debug the error is not obfuscated anymore.

D [26/May/2019:18:35:17 +0000] [CGI] Started /usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/admin.cgi (PID 15)
I [26/May/2019:18:35:17 +0000] [Client 1] Started "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/admin.cgi" (pid=15, file=10)
D [26/May/2019:18:35:17 +0000] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data.
D [26/May/2019:18:35:17 +0000] [CGI] execv failed: Permission denied
D [26/May/2019:18:35:17 +0000] PID 15 (/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/admin.cgi) stopped with status 113 (Permission denied)
D [26/May/2019:18:35:17 +0000] [Client 1] CGI data ready to be sent.
D [26/May/2019:18:35:17 +0000] [Client 1] con->http=0x55f670144340
D [26/May/2019:18:35:17 +0000] [Client 1] cupsdWriteClient error=0, used=0, state=HTTP_STATE_GET_SEND, data_encoding=HTTP_ENCODING_LENGTH, data_remaining=2147483647, response=0(), pipe_pid=15, file=10
D [26/May/2019:18:35:17 +0000] [Client 1] Waiting for CGI data.
D [26/May/2019:18:35:17 +0000] [Client 1] cupsdSendHeader: code=500, type="text/html", auth_type=0
D [26/May/2019:18:35:17 +0000] [Client 1] Waiting for request.
D [26/May/2019:18:35:17 +0000] [Client 1] Closing because Keep-Alive is disabled.
D [26/May/2019:18:35:17 +0000] [Client 1] Closing connection.
jaymoulin commented 5 years ago

Should resolve your issue : https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32462340/cups-permission-denied.

Seems this is not related to the image, I can't fix anything

dantebarba commented 5 years ago

But /usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/admin.cgi it's inside the image and already has root ownership. Why it's giving permission denied when it has root permissions on everything

dantebarba commented 5 years ago

It's still giving me permission denied. Doesn't make any sense. I already did:

  1. id -u --> 0
  2. chown -R 0:0 /usr/lib/cups

Nothing, still error 113.

dantebarba commented 5 years ago

I'm giving up. Same issue with this image: https://github.com/thbe/docker-cups

dantebarba commented 5 years ago

Ended up installing CUPs outside Docker and using a GCP Connector image. It was not the intended solution but given that I can't make CUPs work with Docker, it's the best I cloud achieve.

Anyway thanks @jaymoulin for the help