Closed serocult1 closed 3 years ago
Good luck getting someone to help you.
Can you connect and download something over My console is broken too, that's the only way it works for me.
No, i Can't connect. When I go to myjdownloader not appear nothing
I have the same issue. To connect to myjdownloader you need to login to your account btw! docker exec jdownloader configure password
this command should log you in, change to your info btw.
Having the same issue, tried all the above as well as recreating the container, but no luck.
I have the exact same issue. I've been trying everything for hours, even downgrading but no luck as well.
Here is my configuration:
version: "2.1"
image: jaymoulin/jdownloader:latest
container_name: jdownloader
stdin_open: true. # docker run -i
tty: true # docker run -t
network_mode: host
restart: always
- PUID=1000
- PGID=1000
- MYJD_USER=****
- MYJD_DEVICE_NAME=rpi4-32bit
- XDG_DOWNLOAD_DIR=/opt/JDownloader/Downloads
- /srv/dev-disk-by-uuid-8b050af3-6966-4199-bc7b-252ece061be4/JDownloader/Config:/opt/JDownloader/cfg:rw
- /srv/dev-disk-by-uuid-8b050af3-6966-4199-bc7b-252ece061be4/JDownloader/Logs:/opt/JDownloader/logs:rw
- /srv/dev-disk-by-uuid-8b050af3-6966-4199-bc7b-252ece061be4/JDownloader/Downloads:/opt/JDownloader/Downloads:rw
- /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
- 3129:3129
The only thing I can think off right now is this build not being compatible with 32 bits.
Please use different issues to get different help.
I redacted an issue template for a reason. This template is MANDATORY and should NOT be avoided.
Please read the documentation for configuration (specifically the identify part -
The 32bit architecture is not actuallysupported but it probably could (as 7zip bindings are available - it need some investments to make it run on 32bits)
I am using arm64 OS for pi still getting this error.
I should have locked this.
If you have any issue, please read the issue template to know how to redact. Also, "no console available" is not a valuable error as error are redirected to error log (docker logs
I have tried install jdownloader with portainer. All is ok, but when run i have the next error:
This is my docker-compose:
Anyone help me to solve it?