A Discord bot built with Discord.py to allow for users to submit validated LeetCode problems and compete for the highest ranking on the leaderboard in their Discord server!
Everything is now a slash command. You just type / and the command should just pop up. No more typing lc leaderboard.
You can now get the stat's for yourself from leetcode, including how many problems you have done in your lifetime,
the difficulty, and count, etc.
To enable this, you must first register your leetcode username to the bot, which it will then use to query leetcode's graphql api.
There may be some bugs, like what happens if you try getting stat's before registering, what happens if you want to reregister a name, etc.
I have yet to test these features, but if they do come up, please just make a comment here or ping me on discord and I'll fix it.
IMPORTANT CHANGES Everything is now a slash command. You just type
and the command should just pop up. No more typinglc leaderboard
.You can now get the stat's for yourself from leetcode, including how many problems you have done in your lifetime, the difficulty, and count, etc.
To enable this, you must first register your leetcode username to the bot, which it will then use to query leetcode's graphql api.
There may be some bugs, like what happens if you try getting stat's before registering, what happens if you want to reregister a name, etc. I have yet to test these features, but if they do come up, please just make a comment here or ping me on discord and I'll fix it.