jayofelony / pwnagotchi-bullseye

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[BUG] 2.5.4 BT-Tether is not working #75

Open travka opened 6 months ago

travka commented 6 months ago

Describe the bug Hi. I'm trying configure 2.5.4 version to get tethered by bluetooth via android to update but nothing happens, it simply doesn't even trying to find the phone, and i don't understand where i should investigate because there's no logs regarding bluetooth

so configuration in config.toml is:

main.plugins.bt-tether.enabled = true main.plugins.bt-tether.devices.android-phone.enabled = true main.plugins.bt-tether.devices.android-phone.search_order = 1 main.plugins.bt-tether.devices.android-phone.mac = "XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX" main.plugins.bt-tether.devices.android-phone.ip = "" main.plugins.bt-tether.devices.android-phone.netmask = 24 main.plugins.bt-tether.devices.android-phone.interval = 1 main.plugins.bt-tether.devices.android-phone.scantime = 5
main.plugins.bt-tether.devices.android-phone.max_tries = 999 main.plugins.bt-tether.devices.android-phone.share_internet = false main.plugins.bt-tether.devices.android-phone.priority = 1


Kal-Toh commented 6 months ago

Have you tried connecting manually? You can do this by using sudo bluetoothctl to enter the Bluetooth shell. You can use scan on from the shell while your phone is discoverable until it picks it up. Once picked up use scan off to stop scanning.

To connect use pair <mac address> (at this point you should get a notification on your phone, follow instructions if any in shell) and save trust the device with trust <mac address>

Exit out of the bt shell, reboot and you should be connected.

travka commented 6 months ago

Can you give me an advice how to do thar ? Because i've tried connect external keyboard via second usb port, but without success

Kal-Toh commented 6 months ago

You won't be able to navigate without seeing the terminal output. You could connect a monitor to it via the HDMI, but the optimal way is to connect via SSH

If you're on Windows you can use Putty to connect to it while's it's plugged into your PC via the data port (inner microUSB port). Have a go at following the guide here: https://pwnagotchi.ai/configuration/#connect-to-your-pwnagotchi

jayofelony commented 6 months ago

Set share_internet to true and also set up bt tether to enabled on your phone. It's under mobile hotspot or something. Than use bluetoothctl as mentioned before.

NikoKamtsioras commented 6 months ago

Having the same problem, have tried the above, but it is still not working. Using release 2.6.3.

jayofelony commented 6 months ago

What worked for me yesterday, was simply turning off BT on your phone and turning it back on, than turn on bt tethering on the phone. Than did the bluetoothctl again, but first I removed the device in bluetoothctl. And removed my pwnagotchi from phone memory.

NikoKamtsioras commented 6 months ago

Will try that!

NikoKamtsioras commented 6 months ago

Still not working for me, tried that several times

NikoKamtsioras commented 6 months ago

My android phone does not give me a prompt.

NikoKamtsioras commented 6 months ago

NOTE: if you have a pi2w use bookworm, it fixes the problem

akkie70 commented 6 months ago

I also got the same issue, i manually paired the phone and from the pwnagotchi. But i have the pi0w so bookworm dont know if it is possible. i first use the pwnagotchi-raspberrypi-os-lite-v1.5.6-beta2 but i dont know why to problem persist. is there any other thing i can do to resolve this ?

jayofelony commented 6 months ago

Bluetooth and RPi are a bad mix it seems. It just a game of luck apparently.

JD-2006 commented 4 months ago

Here's a workaround that works for my pi0w. After you have paired and trusted your phone.

sudo cp /usr/share/doc/bluez-test-scripts/examples/bluezutils.py /usr/bin sudo cp /usr/share/doc/bluez-test-scripts/examples/test-network /usr/bin

Create a system service. sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/auto-bt-pan-connect.service

[Unit] Description=Auto PAN Connect Service After=usb-gadget.target

[Service] Type=oneshot ExecStart=/usr/bin/python3 test-network xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx nap WorkingDirectory=/usr/bin StandardOutput=inherit StandardError=inherit Restart=on-failure RestartSec=90 User=pi

[Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target

sudo systemctl daemon-reload sudo systemctl start auto-bt-pan-connect

I have it try to connect every 1 1/2 minutes so it doesn't fill up the logs because it will create an error when it runs and there's no phone to connect to.