Closed lewis617 closed 7 years ago
Make sure less compiler is in your path
I did this:
npm install less -g
but the problem is still there. What do you mean "Make sure less compiler is in your path"?
I did this again:
sudo npm install less -g
and the problem is solved. Thank you anyway.
I am leaving this open because we should make this error clear.
To test if it would work for your script just run which compiler_executable
and if it returns a valid result, your python script should work
I run the command in my project root:
which compiler_executable
and return nothing. I want to know how to run which compiler_executable
,where to run? Can you give me more details?
In case of less the compiler executable is called lessc
, if you run which lessc
and it shows something, lessc
is in your PATH variable and jac would be able to find it
To avoid this kind of problem, the executable path should be configurable, I've created #49 to tackle this
oh, I see what you mean. I run the which lessc
, and return a valid result: /Users/liuyiqi/.nvm/versions/node/v7.1.0/bin/lessc
Adding a config to override compilers executables is a good solution. The error came from nvm perhaps.
fixed by #50
When the compiler is not found we let
OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
be thrown. We should return a better error and a better message likeExecutable {name} not found
.Full stacktrace of an example: