jaystack / jaydata

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JayData (Kendo UI) Problem: Android 2.3.3 Phone -HTC Desire #87

Open chapmanm opened 11 years ago

chapmanm commented 11 years ago

Bug as per forum thread: http://jaydata.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=167&sid=fd484d8751f33d37a49572546ec1b155

When running the Kendo UI Complex Phone Demo on a Android 2.3.3 Phone (HTC Desire) the database has problems:

If you clear the data on the app (manage applications) then run it it calls the following:

  1. todoDatabase.js - getAppSettings - createAppSettings - AppSettings.save
  2. jaydyta.js - EntityTypeSave
  3. jaydata.js - save
  4. ????

the todoDatabase.js - getAppSettings -returnEntity function is never called.

Then if you run the app again without clearing the data it doesn't even load the database.

robesz commented 11 years ago

Hi Chapmanm, Thanks for the detailed report on the forum and here. The team will check the problem and update this issue. Bye, Robert

agdolla commented 11 years ago

fixed, committed into the development branch and will be included in the next relase in the meantime you can build it yourself or download it from here: https://jaydata-build.s3.amazonaws.com/jaydata-20130308144902.zip

thanks for reporting this bus please try it and close this issue if it solves your problem

chapmanm commented 11 years ago

In my test app the fetch never returns using the new js files (see forum thread)

robesz commented 11 years ago

Hi @chapmanm , Did the new JayData releases fix the issue? Thank you for your update!