jaytaylor / shipbuilder

The Open-source self-hosted Platform-as-a-Service written in Go
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[WIP] enable core dumps in shipbuilder #18

Closed megahall closed 7 years ago

megahall commented 10 years ago
mhall@mhall-osx-01:~/threatstream/shipbuilder$ ./build.sh
info: fetching dependencies
info:     retrieving: github.com/jaytaylor/logserver
info:         -> already exists, skipping
info:     retrieving: github.com/jaytaylor/logserver/logger
info:         -> already exists, skipping
info:     retrieving: github.com/jaytaylor/logserver/server
info:         -> already exists, skipping
info:     retrieving: github.com/kr/pty
info:         -> already exists, skipping
info:     retrieving: launchpad.net/goamz/aws
info:         -> already exists, skipping
info:     retrieving: launchpad.net/goamz/s3
info:         -> already exists, skipping
info: collecting compilation ldflags values from env/*
info:     found var SB_SSH_HOST, value=sb.threatstream.com
info:     found var SB_SSH_KEY, value=/Users/mhall/.ssh/id_aws
info:     found var SB_AWS_KEY, value=AKIAICJ6MBNHOFY75YZQ
info:     found var SB_AWS_SECRET, value=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
info:     found var SB_AWS_REGION, value=us-east-1
info:     found var SB_S3_BUCKET, value=ts-shipbuilder
info:     found var SB_HAPROXY_CREDENTIALS, value=admin:threatstream!!!
info:     found var SB_HAPROXY_STATS, value=true
info:     found var LXC_FS, value=zfs
info:     found var ZFS_POOL, value=tank
info: compiling project
info:     go build -o ../shipbuilder -ldflags -X main.defaultSshHost sb.threatstream.com -X main.defaultSshKey /Users/mhall/.ssh/id_aws -X main.defaultAwsKey AKIAICJ6MBNHOFY75YZQ -X main.defaultAwsSecret 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 -X main.defaultAwsRegion us-east-1 -X main.defaultS3BucketName ts-shipbuilder -X main.defaultHaProxyCredentials admin:threatstream!!! -X main.defaultHaProxyStats true -X main.defaultLxcFs zfs -X main.defaultZfsPool tank
info:     build succeeded - the shipbuilder binary is located at ./shipbuilder
jaytaylor commented 7 years ago