jaytoday / tinygen

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Sweep: Migrate the codebase to use Supabase instead of MySQL #5

Open jaytoday opened 10 months ago

jaytoday commented 10 months ago
Checklist - [X] `app/config.py` ✅ Commit [`ed5652d`](https://github.com/jaytoday/tinygen/commit/ed5652d6bf49aa7e84f6f80d10b5a10288225d33) > • Replace the MySQL connection URL with the Supabase connection URL. > • Update any other database settings as necessary to work with Supabase. >
> Sandbox Execution Logs > > >
> Sandbox logs 1/1 > > ```⡿ Downloading Trunk 1.15.0... > ⡿ Downloading Trunk 1.15.0... > ⢿ Downloading Trunk 1.15.0... > ⣻ Downloading Trunk 1.15.0... > ⣽ Downloading Trunk 1.15.0... > ⣾ Downloading Trunk 1.15.0... > ⣷ Downloading Trunk 1.15.0... > ⣯ Downloading Trunk 1.15.0... > ⣟ Downloading Trunk 1.15.0... > ⡿ Downloading Trunk 1.15.0... > ⢿ Downloading Trunk 1.15.0... > ⣻ Downloading Trunk 1.15.0... > ⣽ Downloading Trunk 1.15.0... > ✔ Downloading Trunk 1.15.0... done > ⡿ Verifying Trunk sha256... > ✔ Verifying Trunk sha256... done > ⡿ Unpacking Trunk... > ✔ Unpacking Trunk... done > > > ✔ 17 linters were enabled (.trunk/trunk.yaml) > > bandit 1.7.5 (21 python files) > black 23.9.1 (15 python files) > checkov 2.4.9 (1 docker, 5 json, 3 yaml files) > flake8 6.1.0 (21 python files) > git-diff-check (44 files) > hadolint 2.12.0 (1 docker file) (created .hadolint.yaml) > isort 5.12.0 (21 python files) > markdownlint 0.36.0 (1 markdown file) (created .markdownlint.yaml) > mypy 1.5.1 (21 python files) > osv-scanner 1.3.6 (2 lockfile files) > prettier 3.0.3 (4 json, 1 markdown, 3 yaml files) > ruff 0.0.287 (21 python files) (created ruff.toml) > taplo 0.8.1 (1 toml file) > terrascan 1.18.3 (1 docker file) > trivy 0.45.0 (1 docker, 2 lockfile, 3 yaml files) > trufflehog 3.54.4 (45 files) > yamllint 1.32.0 (3 yaml files) (created .yamllint.yaml) > > > Next Steps > > 1. Read documentation > Our documentation can be found at https://docs.trunk.io > > 2. Get help and give feedback > Join the Trunk community at https://slack.trunk.io > ``` >

  • [X] app/entities/orm/orm_model.py ✅ Commit e978d12

    • Rewrite the ORM models to work with Supabase. This might involve changing the data types or the way relationships are defined.

  • [X] app/api/endpoints/users/users_service.py ✅ Commit 5eb8254

    • Rewrite the service layer to use Supabase's API for database operations. This will involve changing the way data is inserted, updated, deleted, and queried.

    Sandbox Execution Logs
    Sandbox logs 1/1 ```⡿ Downloading Trunk 1.15.0... ⡿ Downloading Trunk 1.15.0... ⢿ Downloading Trunk 1.15.0... ⣻ Downloading Trunk 1.15.0... ⣽ Downloading Trunk 1.15.0... ⣾ Downloading Trunk 1.15.0... ⣷ Downloading Trunk 1.15.0... ⣯ Downloading Trunk 1.15.0... ⣟ Downloading Trunk 1.15.0... ⡿ Downloading Trunk 1.15.0... ⢿ Downloading Trunk 1.15.0... ⣻ Downloading Trunk 1.15.0... ⣽ Downloading Trunk 1.15.0... ⣾ Downloading Trunk 1.15.0... ✔ Downloading Trunk 1.15.0... done ⡿ Verifying Trunk sha256... ✔ Verifying Trunk sha256... done ⡿ Unpacking Trunk... ✔ Unpacking Trunk... done

✔ 17 linters were enabled (.trunk/trunk.yaml)

bandit 1.7.5 (21 python files) black 23.9.1 (15 python files) checkov 2.4.9 (1 docker, 5 json, 3 yaml files) flake8 6.1.0 (21 python files) git-diff-check (44 files) hadolint 2.12.0 (1 docker file) (created .hadolint.yaml) isort 5.12.0 (21 python files) markdownlint 0.36.0 (1 markdown file) (created .markdownlint.yaml) mypy 1.5.1 (21 python files) osv-scanner 1.3.6 (2 lockfile files) prettier 3.0.3 (4 json, 1 markdown, 3 yaml files) ruff 0.0.287 (21 python files) (created ruff.toml) taplo 0.8.1 (1 toml file) terrascan 1.18.3 (1 docker file) trivy 0.45.0 (1 docker, 2 lockfile, 3 yaml files) trufflehog 3.54.4 (45 files) yamllint 1.32.0 (3 yaml files) (created .yamllint.yaml)

Next Steps

  1. Read documentation Our documentation can be found at https://docs.trunk.io

  2. Get help and give feedback Join the Trunk community at https://slack.trunk.io


sweep-ai[bot] commented 10 months ago

Here's the PR! https://github.com/jaytoday/tinygen/pull/6.

⚡ Sweep Free Trial: I used GPT-4 to create this ticket. You have 3 GPT-4 tickets left for the month and 0 for the day. For more GPT-4 tickets, visit our payment portal. To retrigger Sweep, edit the issue.

Step 1: 🔍 Code Search

I found the following snippets in your repository. I will now analyze these snippets and come up with a plan.

Some code snippets I looked at (click to expand). If some file is missing from here, you can mention the path in the ticket description. https://github.com/jaytoday/tinygen/blob/b7d4b6496854d3352ad1c88449b382a52ccd3eb8/README.md#L1-L84 https://github.com/jaytoday/tinygen/blob/b7d4b6496854d3352ad1c88449b382a52ccd3eb8/db/init/10.my_db.sql#L1-L66 https://github.com/jaytoday/tinygen/blob/b7d4b6496854d3352ad1c88449b382a52ccd3eb8/tests/data_helper.py#L1-L49 https://github.com/jaytoday/tinygen/blob/b7d4b6496854d3352ad1c88449b382a52ccd3eb8/db/my.cnf#L1-L8 https://github.com/jaytoday/tinygen/blob/b7d4b6496854d3352ad1c88449b382a52ccd3eb8/db/init/10.my_db.sql#L85-L66

Step 2: 📍 Planning

From looking through the relevant snippets, I decided to make the following modifications:

File Path Proposed Changes
app/config.py Modify app/config.py with contents:
• Replace the MySQL connection URL with the Supabase connection URL.
• Update any other database settings as necessary to work with Supabase.
app/entities/orm/orm_model.py Rewrite app/entities/orm/orm_model.py with contents:
• Rewrite the ORM models to work with Supabase. This might involve changing the data types or the way relationships are defined.
app/api/endpoints/users/users_service.py Rewrite app/api/endpoints/users/users_service.py with contents:
• Rewrite the service layer to use Supabase's API for database operations. This will involve changing the way data is inserted, updated, deleted, and queried.
tests/data_helper.py Rewrite tests/data_helper.py with contents:
• Rewrite the test data helper to work with Supabase. This will involve changing the way test data is inserted and deleted.
db/docker-compose.yml Delete db/docker-compose.yml
db/init/10.my_db.sql Delete db/init/10.my_db.sql
db/my.cnf Delete db/my.cnf

Step 3: 📝 Summary

I have created a plan for writing the pull request. I am now working my plan and coding the required changes to address this issue. Here is the planned pull request:

Migrate the codebase to use Supabase instead of MySQL sweep/migrate-to-supabase


This PR migrates the codebase from MySQL to Supabase as the database provider. It includes changes to the database configuration, ORM models, service layer, and test data helper. The goal is to ensure that the application continues to function as expected after the migration.

Summary of Changes

  • Updated the database configuration in app/config.py to connect to Supabase instead of MySQL.
  • Modified the ORM models in app/entities/orm/orm_model.py to work with Supabase.
  • Updated the service layer in app/api/endpoints/users/users_service.py to use Supabase's API for database operations.
  • Rewrote the test data helper in tests/data_helper.py to work with Supabase.
  • Removed the Docker configuration for the database in db/docker-compose.yml.
  • Removed the MySQL initialization script in db/init/10.my_db.sql.
  • Removed the MySQL configuration file in db/my.cnf.

Please review the changes and ensure that the application functions correctly with Supabase as the database provider.

Step 4: ⌨️ Coding

✔ 17 linters were enabled (.trunk/trunk.yaml)

bandit 1.7.5 (21 python files) black 23.9.1 (15 python files) checkov 2.4.9 (1 docker, 5 json, 3 yaml files) flake8 6.1.0 (21 python files) git-diff-check (44 files) hadolint 2.12.0 (1 docker file) (created .hadolint.yaml) isort 5.12.0 (21 python files) markdownlint 0.36.0 (1 markdown file) (created .markdownlint.yaml) mypy 1.5.1 (21 python files) osv-scanner 1.3.6 (2 lockfile files) prettier 3.0.3 (4 json, 1 markdown, 3 yaml files) ruff 0.0.287 (21 python files) (created ruff.toml) taplo 0.8.1 (1 toml file) terrascan 1.18.3 (1 docker file) trivy 0.45.0 (1 docker, 2 lockfile, 3 yaml files) trufflehog 3.54.4 (45 files) yamllint 1.32.0 (3 yaml files) (created .yamllint.yaml)

Next Steps

  1. Read documentation Our documentation can be found at https://docs.trunk.io

  2. Get help and give feedback Join the Trunk community at https://slack.trunk.io


✔ 17 linters were enabled (.trunk/trunk.yaml)

bandit 1.7.5 (21 python files) black 23.9.1 (15 python files) checkov 2.4.9 (1 docker, 5 json, 3 yaml files) flake8 6.1.0 (21 python files) git-diff-check (44 files) hadolint 2.12.0 (1 docker file) (created .hadolint.yaml) isort 5.12.0 (21 python files) markdownlint 0.36.0 (1 markdown file) (created .markdownlint.yaml) mypy 1.5.1 (21 python files) osv-scanner 1.3.6 (2 lockfile files) prettier 3.0.3 (4 json, 1 markdown, 3 yaml files) ruff 0.0.287 (21 python files) (created ruff.toml) taplo 0.8.1 (1 toml file) terrascan 1.18.3 (1 docker file) trivy 0.45.0 (1 docker, 2 lockfile, 3 yaml files) trufflehog 3.54.4 (45 files) yamllint 1.32.0 (3 yaml files) (created .yamllint.yaml)

Next Steps

  1. Read documentation Our documentation can be found at https://docs.trunk.io

  2. Get help and give feedback Join the Trunk community at https://slack.trunk.io


Step 5: 🔁 Code Review

Here are my self-reviews of my changes at sweep/migrate-to-supabase.

Here is the 1st review

Great job on migrating the codebase from MySQL to Supabase. However, there are a few areas that need attention:

  • In app/api/endpoints/users/users_service.py, please ensure that the model_validate method of the User class is compatible with the data structure returned by the Supabase client.

  • In app/entities/orm/orm_model.py, the relationship between the User and Post models has not been defined in the new code. If the application relies on this relationship, please implement it.

  • The deletion of the Docker setup for the database in db/docker-compose.yml might be an issue if the application relies on Docker. If that's the case, please provide a similar Docker setup for Supabase.

  • The deletion of the initial database structure in db/init/10.my_db.sql might be an issue if the application relies on this structure. If that's the case, please provide a similar setup for Supabase.

  • The deletion of the MySQL character sets in db/my.cnf might be an issue if the application relies on these specific character sets. If that's the case, please provide a similar setup for Supabase.

  • In tests/data_helper.py, the insert_from_csv method now inserts rows one by one, which might be less efficient than the previous bulk insert approach. If possible, please implement a bulk insert approach.

Please address these issues and update the pull request. Keep up the good work!

I finished incorporating these changes.

🎉 Latest improvements to Sweep:

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