jayunit100 / network-policy-subproject

A starter repo to donate to Kubernetes-sigs so the community can own and iterate on stories over time, with issue tracking, as we close out the policy++ wg
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[DISCUSSION] [USER STORY PROPOSAL] group rules by logical relations but not just by selectors (allow each rule to have its own selectors) #27

Open jianjuns opened 4 years ago

jianjuns commented 4 years ago

I want to group rules to NetworkPolicies by their logical relations, but would not by selectors. It means rules in one NetworkPolicy should have different selectors (to select Pods to apply the rules).

This is especially important after we introduce priorities on NetworkPolicies, because if all rules in one NetworkPolicy must share the same selectors, user might end up creating many NetworkPolicies for each "selectors + policy priority" combination. It might become super challenging to manage all these NetworkPolicies and assign the right priority number for each, without a separate orchestrator to group NetworkPolicies and auto-assign priorities. In contrast, if each rule can have its own selectors, user can group rules just based on their logical relations (and policy priority), and in a NetworkPolicy rules are ordered in the rule slice. Then it becomes much easier to manage NetworkPolicies and priorities.

@abhiraut @McCodeman

jianjuns commented 4 years ago

I am new to the discussion, and not sure what is the right way to propose a story. Let me know if I should create a PR. @jayunit100

jayunit100 commented 4 years ago

I like the way you are filing issues , that is great, ill rename them to [DISCUSSION] so we can talk about them over time.

jayunit100 commented 4 years ago

@mattfenwick and I are deeply looking into datalog/RDF style representations for this. The idea being that

Would you like to help us on that front? the repo for this is https://github.com/mattfenwick/kube-prototypes/. . I've JUST added a README to it which should merge later on in the day