jayvdb / pypidb

PyPI client side database with SCM/VCS URLs
Apache License 2.0
13 stars 3 forks source link

galaxyproject.org is very slow #85

Open jayvdb opened 4 years ago

jayvdb commented 4 years ago

Both http and https, and connect and read timeouts need to be increased.

INFO     pypidb._adapters:_adapters.py:217 head failed for http://galaxyproject.org/: ReadTimeout(ReadTimeoutError("HTTPConnectionPool(host='galaxyproject.org', port=80): Read timed out. (read timeout=5)"))
INFO     https_everywhere.adapter:adapter.py:113 adapter redirecting http://galaxyproject.org/ to https://galaxyproject.org/
ERROR    https_everywhere.adapter:adapter.py:124 handle_error requests.exceptions.ConnectTimeout: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='galaxyproject.org', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: / (Caused by ConnectTimeoutError(<urllib3.connection.VerifiedHTTPSConnection object at 0x7f02507aa1f0>, 'Connection to galaxyproject.org timed out. (connect timeout=15)'))