jazwa / rackstack

A modular 3d-printable mini rack system.
MIT License
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mini rackstack stl #1

Closed krnewberry closed 1 year ago

krnewberry commented 1 year ago

unable to load up stls in slicer (bambu studio) -- specifically the mainrail_p.stl (mini folder) downloads at 445bytes.. there are several others behaving similarly. 'unable to load file: the file does not contain any geometry data'

jazwa commented 1 year ago

mainrail_p.stl shouldn't be only 445bytes: https://github.com/jazwa/rackstack/blob/main/stl/mini/rack/mainRail_P.stl (latest is 363 KB) Could you please try pulling the latest main? (or using the latest release)

krnewberry commented 1 year ago

odd!! it works perfectly now. sorry that must have been on my end or github. Thanks for the quick reply.